Progresso Light Creamy Soups Review and Giveaway

I’ve always loved to curl up with a good book and a hot bowl of soup on a chilly fall day but in the past few years I’ve been doing this less and less because of how unhealthy a lot of soups can be. Progresso Light Soups lets me once again enjoy soup while still eating healthy.

Progresso Light soups have just gotten better with the addition of Creamy Bacon with Potato and Cheese along with Chicken Pot Pie Style to the forty Light soups that they already have. Both the Creamy Bacon with Potato and Cheese and the Chicken Pot Pie Style soups are endorsed by Weight Watchers. They contain only one hundred calories and 2 points per serving. The Light Chicken Pot Pie Style has 33% fewer calories than the regular ready-to-serve soups while the Light Creamy Potato with Bacon and Cheese has 50% fewer calories. Awesome, right? Its like having your cake and eating it too!

I was recently given the opportunity to try both the Creamy Bacon with Potato and Cheese and the Chicken Pot Pie Style soups and I have to say I was impressed with both. Our favorite though was the Chicken Pot Pie Style it was rich, filling and delicious and had real chunks of chicken in it!

Along with the two flavors of soup that I received I also received an awesome water bottle, lunch tote and a soup bowl making enjoying my Progresso Light soup on the go even easier! Now is your chance to get in on the fun and try both flavors of the new Progresso Light soups for yourself by entering Just The Two Of Us’ Progresso Light Gift Pack Giveaway. All you have to do to enter is to use the easy Rafflecopter form below! For those of you that aren’t the lucky winner Progresso is offering a coupon for $1.25 off the purchase of four cans of Progresso soups.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure:  The coupons, information, and gift packs have been provided by Progresso® through MyBlogSpark.

Saving Money On Textbooks With CampusBookRentals.Com

The first time I ever had to purchase college textbooks I was shocked at how expensive they were and the cost hasn’t dropped since then. A single one can cost hundreds of dollars so just a handful of books required for classes can end up costing an already broke college student close to a thousand dollars. CampusBookRentals.Com gives students another option though!

CampusBookRentals.Com allows you to rent you’re textbooks instead of purchasing them and at the fraction of the cost saving you between 40-90% off retail price. Not only will you save but you also don’t have to worry about paying shipping costs as CampusBookRentals.Com also covers shipping both ways. If you’re like me and are a bit highlighter happy don’t worry because CampusBookRentals.Com allows you to highlight in their books. CampusBookRentals.Com is a great option for students looking to save money on their text books this school year and with their flexible renting periods it makes life that much easier.

One of the great things about CampusBookRentals.Com though is that with each textbook that they rent they donate to Operation Smile. Operation Smile is an international organization that helps to provide surgery to children with facial deformities and put the smile back on their faces. Operation Smile is an amazing organization and is only one more reason to rent your textbooks through CampusBookRentals.Com!

Get UNJUNKED With UNREAL Candy For Halloween

I’m a complete candy addict and can constantly be found munching down on peanut butter cups or some sort of candy bar. As much as i love candy though I’m also still very concerned about the things that my son and i eat and am always on the lookout for a healthy alternative.
This weekend I got the opportunity to try out and host an UNREAL candy party with some friends and family. If you’re unfamiliar with UNREAL candy let me bring you up to speed. UNREAL candy comes in five flavors and are made without using corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, artificial colors, flavors or preservatives.  Awesome, right?! The five flavors UNREAL candy comes in are Unreal 5 (UNREAL version of Milky Way), UNREAL 41 (UNREAL version of M&Ms), UNREAL 8 (UNREAL version of Snickers) and UNREAL 77 (UNREAL version of Reese’s Cups). I received one large box of each along with gift bags to share with my party guests.
After putting the goody bags together with my sister and whipping up some Taco Dip(Get The Recipe Here) we sat back and waited for our guests to arrive. I had a hard time keeping out of the candy while we waited but I somehow managed. 
I had invited a few co-workers over to taste the candy as well as gave out a few goodie bags to my mom and stepfather who were unable to attend. The general consensus in the house was that everyone really loved the Peanut Butter cups and had a hard time believing that they were UNJUNKED! Another one that my guests really enjoyed were the UNREAL 41 and the UNREAL 8! By the end of the night not only were all of the candy bags gone but our tasting bowl was also very near empty!
If you want to try UNREAL candy with your family you can find it at multiple locations nationwide including Walgreen’s, CVS, Rite-Aid and Target. Prices compare with those of well known brands so pick up a bunch and hand it out on October 31st and know that you’re making Halloween a little healthier!
The story behind how UNREAL candy was created is cute and inspiring and if you can you should take a moment to read it. You can also find more info on UNREAL candy on Facebook, Twitter and GETUNREAL.

Disclosure: I received UNREAL candy and compensation through Global Influence and UNREAL.

Extreme Halloween T-Shirts Review

Halloween is something that I always look forward to during the fall season. I’m not really sure when i fell in love with it but its always been a ton of fun not only handing out candy but also brainstorming costumes and getting to see all the kids dressed up in their costumes. I also love decorating, all the fun Halloween crafts and the cute slogan t-shirts you sometimes find in stores but i can never find one that’s really well screams my name.

Foul Mouth Shirts has a pretty awesome selection of offensively funny Halloween apparel, although some can be a bit R rated as well. I would definitely advise you not to look at their website with small children in your presence they do have some that were right up my alley. I loved the “Cleverly Disguised As A responsible adult” t-shirt as well as the “I’m scary enough without a costume” t-shirt.

I received the “I poisoned the candy” t-shirt in a men’s size small for my review and love it! The colors are vibrant and it fits perfectly. Not only that but the slogan is fun and creative and doesn’t over do it. I would feel perfectly comfortable wearing it to a costume party or a get together with friends. I’m not sure how i would feel about handing out candy while wearing it specially with all the concerns that parents face today but aside from that I love the tee!

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

PackAways Reusable Storage Boxes Review

For the past few weeks I’ve been preparing for my younger sister to move in with my son and I. This has meant not only consolidating and purging items but also moving all the stuff from my bedroom into Hunter’s room which we will be sharing until we can find a bigger place. One of the down sides of having to share our space for awhile has been trying to find a place for all my belongings in his already full bedroom not to mention the loss of closet space.

PackAways Reusable storage boxes have become my miracle moving solution! Not only have they made it easier to lug my belongings from one bedroom to the other but they’ve also made it easier to get rid of all the excess stuff we no longer need. In the past few weeks I’ve made multiple trips not only to the library to donate books but to the thrift store to donate other items as well and I’ve managed to save a lot of trash bags by using PackAways instead.

PackAways are made from corrugated plastic and are extremely durable! My son has put them through his own special durability test and they have passed with flying colors. Not only are they durable but they are also easy to assemble and collapse. With a simple push of your hand you can either put them together or take them apart. When PackAways are collapsed they lay flat and can easily be slid under the bed or left in the truck of your car.

I love that they features a wipe away label so you can  label whats in them with a dry erase marker and then just wipe it away if you need to use them for something else. This is a great feature that I’ve been getting a ton of use out of as I drag things from one place to another or try to sort things into separate piles.
PackAways come in a wide range of colors including pink, green and blue. They also come in different styles and sizes. I received one green and one blue in the classic design which was perfect for my needs.
They are a great solution for moving stuff around the house or across the country and are much more Eco friendly because they are reusable. Just think no struggling with tape or having to break down and dispose of a ton of cardboard!

For more info on PackAways check out their Facebook page!

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Pottery Barn Mackenzie Blue Plane Backpack Review

One of the first things I did this year to prepare Hunter for school aside from registration was to find him a backpack. The backpacks I’ve purchased for him in the past have usually been a cheap Wal Mart selection that lacked pockets, weren’t durable, only lasted through so many spilled drinks and were small. I knew I wanted something that he would not only be able to use this year but the next year as well, it needed to be durable, fun and big enough to carry all his stuff.

I ended up going online to Pottery Barn and looking around for something that would fit my criteria and ended up stumbling upon the Mackenzie Blue Plane Backpack. Hunter absolutly loves planes, he was a pilot last year for Halloween and has a large collection of metal ones in his room so the Mackenzie Blue Plane Backpack would be perfect. It comes in three sizes; preschool, small and large. I ended up having my stepmother order a large keeping in mind that I wanted him to be able to use it the following school year as well.

When it arrived I was happy to see that it matched the description online perfectly, the colors were vibrant and the planes playful. It was roomy enough for him to put an extra change of clothes, lunch box and school papers and books in it. It has one large pocket and then a couple smaller ones along with an area designed to hold an mp3 player with a cutout for headphones. It has contoured straps for comfortable carrying on days when its packed to the brim and exterior straps so that you can strap your lunch box directly to the backpack. The best part though was that its made from water resistant material and lets be honest with Floridas unpredictable weather that was deffinitly a must.
Hunter’s been using it now for about a month(he broke it in on his flight home) and it seems to be working out great for him. He doesn’t complain that its heavy and loves using the strap that goes around his chest. The material its made with seems really durable so it should take plenty of abuse from him without a problem. Now if I could just get him to stop leaving it on the school bus!

ecoStore USA – Laundry Liquid & All Purpose Cleaner Review

Over the past few months I’ve been trying to take steps towards living a healthier life style. I’ve stopped buying most processed food items aside from a few can’t live without things and started making most of our meals completely from scratch. One of the things I’ve been wanting to do was to start using healthier products around the house whether it be beauty products, personal care products or cleaning products. The problem I was having though is that I had NO CLUE where to start! I’d tried a few things in the past that hadn’t impressed me at all and I didn’t want to waste my money on another dud.

On the advice of another mom I decided to check out ecoStore USA. ecoStore USA products are made from natural ingredients like plants and minerals and don’t contain toxic chemicals which is something that i was looking for. After doing a little more reading and browsing through their surprisingly large assortment of products I decided to contact them to see if they would be willing to do a review and they agreed.

I ended up choosing two household products that we use a lot of in my house; All Purpose Cleaner and Laundry Liquid. When the package arrived I immediately took them out and began putting them to the test starting with the all purpose cleaner in the bathroom. Anyone who knows me knows that I’m a bit of a neat freak. I clean my shower every few days and the toilet just about every day so the bathroom was a great starting place for me.  The first thing I noticed about the All Purpose Cleaner was how much I LOVED the citrus scent it! I was able to spray down and wipe out the entire shower and tub without the dreaded headache you get from cleaning the bathroom with cleaners that contain harsh chemicals. I can’t tell you the last time I cleaned the bathroom without having to leave it for air but with the ecoStore All Purpose Cleaner I was able too.

After I was down cleaning the bathroom I gathered up all the dirty towels and threw them into the washing machine before adding a cap full of the Laundry Liquid. The size of the cup is tiny and I had to wonder if it was really going to be enough for the load of towels I’d thrown in. I  also noticed was  the smell of the Laundry Liquid, it contains coconut and eucalyptus oil which gives it a warm fresh scent. I waited for the wash to be down and continued running around the house with the All Purpose Cleaner spraying down the fridge, stove and kitchen counters before pulling the towels out of the washing machine. I tend to find that some laundry detergents leave that greasy feeling behind but that wasn’t the case with the ecoStore laundry Liquid. The laundry Liquid would be great for anyone who has sensitive skin like I do, I’ve noticed since I’ve been washing my towels in it that I’ve been having less breakouts. I mentioned before that I’d originally wondered if one cap full was really enough to wash an entire load and it is. The bottle may be small but it definitely lasts I usually do at least a load of laundry a day and we still have enough left for a few more weeks of laundry.

I was very impressed with both ecoStore products that I received and will definitely be purchasing more in the future. ecoStores prices are very reasonable the All Purpose Cleaner costs $3.95  and the 32 oz bottle of Laundry Liquid is $6.75. ecoStore not only carries household cleaning products but they also carry baby products, Bath and Body, Hair Care and Pet Products as well. ecoStore products can be purchased online at ecoStore USA! While your browsing through their products make sure you take a few minutes to join the No Nasty Chemicals Movement, you’ll be entered to win products, you’ll also receive information on new products, special promotions and sales!

Disclosure: I received the above products for review purposes. I received no monetary compensation. All opinions expressed are my own. 

Boogie Wipes Review and Giveaway

For the past week Hunter has been walking around the house sneezing and with a stuffed up nose. I’m not sure if he’s coming down with a cold or if its just the difference between the allergens in Florida and Maine. I’m not a huge fan of tissues cause they tend to leave your nose dry and red and they do nothing for those dreaded crusty dry boogers. In the past I’ve used baby wipes to quickly wipe them away but they tend to irritate the skin if used too much. So I was really excited at the chance to try out Boogie Wipes.

Boogie Wipes are the perfect solution for all your children’s boogie problems. Not only are they durable but they are made with saline in them. In case you didn’t know saline helps provide moisture for stuffed up and irritated noses. Clever, right? Not only do they contain saline but they also have vitamin e, chamomile and aloe in them. Boogie Wipes are alcohol free so they won’t dry out or irritate your little ones skin.

We received a package of 30 count fresh scent and a handful of trial packs in various scents. Boogie Wipes also come in a new 45 count package as well. We decided to use the large package first and the first thing i noticed was how easy they were to pull out. Hunter loved that he could use them on his own and didn’t need moms help. I loved that I didn’t have to worry about them irritating his skin cause they don’t contain alcohol.

We’ve tried  every scent now and I have to say that my favorite is definitely the grape while Hunter really likes the fresh scent. He actually likes it so much that hes kidnapped the entire package and relocated it to his night stand not that I’m complaining! The only scent Hunter didn’t care for was the menthol.

Hunter and I took a few minutes to check out their Save the Sleeve promotion which is a fun and interactive way for kids to learn about boogies. There are fun boogie clues like what the different colors mean and fun facts as well. You can also take the boogie pledge and receive your own save the sleeve badge in the mail.

Overall I was very impressed with Boogie Wipes and their ability to get the job done. Its also comforting knowing that during cold season this year we will have something we can rely on for those tough and obnoxious boogers. I loved that their website was not only informative but it was also fun for kids and educational as well.

Boogie wipes can be purchased online at Boogie Wipes. Boogie Wipes can also be purchased in most grocery, pharmacy or superstores including Target.

Boogie Wipes is giving one lucky Just The Two Of Us reader the chance to win (2) 30 count packages of Boogie Wipes. All you need to do is fill out the Rafflecopter form below! Giveaway is open to the USA, Canada and Australia. Entrants must be 18 years or older.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: I received this product for review purposes only and was not compensated. All opinions are my own.

Creative Bioscience 90 Day Challenge

I’ve gained about ten pounds since I stopped working and as some of you know I’ve been trying to loose it but I’ve found it to be a bit challenging. When I was contacted by Creative Bioscience to do a 90 day sample of one of their weight loss products I was stoked. I immediately began browsing through the large selection of products that they offer until I found one that I felt would be just right for me.

I ended up choosing the hCG Zero Capsules for a number of reasons the first being that it helps with your energy which is something I feel as though I’ve been lacking a lot of lately! I also chose it because it helps to suppress your appetite and cravings and lets just say I have a huge issue with cravings lately as I really just want to eat everything in the house!

One of the things I’m most excited about though is that the capsules are filled with natural ingredients like green tea extract and African mango and that they don’t have any gross hormones. I’m not really a huge fan of dumping junk into my body(unless its cup cakes) so I think that the hCG zero capsules will be perfect as they don’t have junk in them!

I’ll be beginning my new journey in the next few weeks and will be updating you about it as it progresses. I also plan on trying to become more active again because i know that’s an important part of being healthy. If you have any interest in joining me on my journey or just want more information about Creative Bioscience 90 Day Challenge you can find it here.

Whole Sale Costume Club – Gold Power Ranger Costume Review

I’m definitely one of those people who likes planning for a holiday months in advance and Halloween is not an exception(I love everything about Halloween including Halloween History)!  Hunter and I started talking about what he might want to be in July and he was dead set on being the Gold Samurai Power Ranger. So I set out on a search to find the perfect Gold Ranger costume and had nearly given up as most of them were cheesy and over priced. When I was introduced to the Whole Sale Costume Club the first thing I did was do a search for that coveted Power Ranger costume and was shocked to find that they not only carried a costume but that it was cute and fairly priced as well. The Classic Muscle Gold Power Ranger Samurai Boy’s Costume is actually from their new selection of 2012 costumes.

Hunter was delighted when he arrived home and found the costume sitting on his bed waiting for him and he immediately tried it on. Made out of 100% polyester it fit him perfectly and he didn’t complain once that it itched. I was actually afraid I wasn’t going to be able to get him out of it he was so excited! My photo doesn’t do the costume justice its adorable and well made and perfect for any little Power Rangers fan!

The Whole Sale Costume Club has a large selection of costumes aside from the Power Rangers costume that we selected. So whether your little girl or boy wants to dress up as Nemo, Bat Man, a Sock Monkey, or Strawberry Shortcake you’ll be able to find not only creative and fun costumes but unique ones as well. They also carry a wide selection of adult costumes, sexy costumes, men’s costumes and of course costumes for teens! They’re is something for every member of the family to be found at the Whole Sale Costume Club. They also carry accessories, hats, wigs and pet costumes.

Their website is easy to navigate which I’ve found not to be the case at many other places. You can either use the handy search bar if you already have something in mind or browse through the categories to find just what you’re looking for. 

Overall I was very happy with my experience with the Whole Sale Costume Club. The costume arrived in a timely manner and was neatly packaged and matched the websites description of the product perfectly.

Disclosure: I received the product above for review purposes. All opinions stated are my own based on my own experiences.