22 Not-So-Freaky Scary Movies For Kids

I love Halloween movies but know that a lot of them are totally inappropriate for little eyes. Not only are they far too gory but they tend to lead to weeks worth of bad dreams and sleepless nights. Yet its still fun to   pop a fun goblin, ghost and monster filled movie into the DVD player around this time of year and curl up on the couch with your family to celebrate Halloween. To help your family celebrate and at the same time ensure you won’t (hopefully) be plagued with weeks worth of sleepless nights I’ve come up with a list f Not-So-Freaky Scary movies for kids. Please keep in mind this is just a general list and some kids may still find some of these scary!
On a side note, while I was searching for kids movies I accidentally had to see a picture of Jason from Halloween and now I probably will  not sleep for weeks! That dude has ALWAYS creeped me out!

Not-SO-Freaky Scary Movies For Kids

Monsters, Inc.
The Nightmare Before Christmas
The Black Cauldron
Spookley the Square Pumpkin
The Little Vampire
Pooh’s Heffalump Halloween Movie
Escape to Witch Mountain
Halloween Town

The Addams Family
The Wizard of Oz
Bedknobs and Broomsticks
Teen Witch
Kiki’s Delivery Service
Mickey’s House of Villain’s
Arthur’s Scary Stories
It’s The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown
Hocus Pocus

Tie Dye Sharpie T-Shirts

Tie Dye Sharpies T-Shirts

I’ve been in a crafty mood the past few days and tonight I decided to do another t-shirt project. This time instead of using crayons or sandpaper I decided to try out tye dying a t-shirt with sharpies. Aside from the splitting headache I got from coloring with them for over an hour this project was a lot of fun.

What You’ll Need
White T-Shirt(Purchased from the Dollar Store)
Sharpies(Purchased at the Dollar Store)
Rubbing Alcohol
Paint Brush

Color a design on your t-shirt with the sharpies.
 When finished brush over with rubbing alcohol.

The Next Children’s Place Kid – Please Vote For Hunter

The Children’s Place is on the lookout for their next Place Kid and I’ve entered Hunter. If you have a few spare minutes please take a couple seconds to cast a quick vote for him. Hunter’s can be found under the number 202438.

If you interested in signing up your own son or daughter for the chance to win an all expenses paid trip to New York for a Children’s Place photoshoot along with a $500 gift card you can find additional information at The Children’s Place!

Sandpaper Printed Tees

I’m always on the lookout for fun and inexpensive crafts to do with Hunters on the weekends just to change things up a bit. Today we decided to decorate our own t-shirts using sandpaper, crayons and an iron. It was not only super cheap but easy as well. We spent a total of $3 on this project by purchasing everything that we needed at the local dollar store.

What You’ll Need
A couple sheets of sandpaper depending on how many t-shirts you plan on making.
White T-Shirts
Color a design onto the sandpaper. Make sure that you apply the crayon thickly to the sandpaper.
Once you are finished place a piece of cardboard inside of the t-shirt to prevent the crayon from bleeding through onto the other side. 
Place the sandpaper onto the shirt and place a paper towel over it.
Take the iron and move it over each area of the sandpaper holding for about ten seconds in each spot. 
Slowly peel back the sandpaper to check to make sure it transferred.
Then you’re done!
Pretty simple, right?
Make sure that you machine wash on cold and hang to dry when laundering.

A Bar Of Ivory Soap and A Microwave

Usually I’m not the type to experiment by putting body care products into my microwave cause the two things really don’t go together all that well. I mean mascara and a microwave?! No, didn’t think so. Tonight though I decided to see what would happen if I put a bar of Ivory soap in the microwave for two minutes. Sounds pretty crazy, right? You’re probably thinking why on earth is she microwaving soap its not like its going to magically clean the microwave. You’re right it won’t but that’s not what I was trying to do.

A while ago I read in some parenting magazine that if you microwaved a bar of Ivory soap that it would expand up to six times its size. I didn’t believe it but tonight while I was cleaning out under the bathroom sink I found a bar of ivory soap and decided to try it out just for the heck of it. I mean whats the worst that could happen it might burn?!
So I dug out a plate and removed the wrapper and popped it in the microwave ready to jump into action if it caught on fire or something. Well much to my surprise after waiting for about fifteen seconds it began to grow right before mine and Hunter’s eyes. Hunter was ecstatic and couldn’t peel his eyes away! After about two minutes it stopped growing(thank god cause our microwave isn’t that big) and after patiently waiting for it to cool down I let Hunter play with it for a bit. Of course like any kid he wanted to try it again and we ended up doing a second bar. I was still pretty shocked that it actually worked and its pretty crazy to watch its like a ghost slowly coming out of hiding or something!
Apparently that when you put the Ivory soap in the microwave it heats it up and softens it up a bit as well as heating the water and air that are trapped inside of it.  The water then vaporizes and the air expands which causes the softened soap to also expand into a foam. Wowsers that’s way too much science for someone who didn’t do all that great in science in high school but either way it was pretty cool to watch!

An Interview With The Five Year Old

An Interview With Hunter
Name: Hunter Ryan
Date Of Birth: I don’t know. At least hes honest. 🙂
What was the happiest day of your life? Going swimming!
(Fall 2011)
Are you nervous about school? Shakes head.
That’s all you have to say? Nods…..I mean I am. Does that mean I don’t have to go?
(First Day Of School 2011)
Whats Your Favorite Color? (Thinks For A Minute)…..Blue!

What are you most excited for? Ah, Ice Cream.

Whats Your Favorite Holiday? Ice Cream Day and Christmas!
(Christmas 2011)
Who’s your best friend? Isabelle and Warren.
Whats your favorite thing to eat? Oranges and Apples and nothing else. Oh and steak and cucumbers and nothing else.

What do you want for Christmas? Hmmm…..A remote control airplane.

what do you want to be for Halloween? A Power Ranger. Duh, mom.

what was the funnest thing you did this summer? Played outside and got DIRTY! But I’m clean now!
What is the one thing you could not live without? Simba!

What job would you like to have when you grow up? Makin’ Forts!

What is your favorite movie? This movie (Points to TV)….Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Whats your least favorite food? Ah, Spicy stuff! I don’t like spicy stuff!

What fun things did you do in Maine? I did everything!
Like what? I don’t know!
You must know something you did! I went on Uncle Ryan’s boat!

Whats Your Favorite snack? Ugh, Candy!

Give It A Try – Food Tracker Chart For Kids – Likes and Dislikes

During my visit to Maine I got to stopped by a local Hannaford and while I was there browsing my eye caught on this awesome little chart that they have in the fruits and veggies section. Its called the Give It A Try Chart and is an awesome way to keep track of the fruits and veggies your child does and doesnt like. You can use it for just about any food though. I grabbed a whole stack of them to use at home and thought I would share it with those of you who have kids of your own and maybe struggle with getting them to try stuff like i do.