10 Fall Recipes and Crafts

Fall is one of my favorite times of year. I love everything about it from the crisp air to the smell of wood smoke in the air along with all the yummy fall foods, crafts and decorations. So in honor of one of my favorite times of year I wanted to share a little bit of the above with all of you!

Fall Recipes
Pumpkin Bread Pudding – King Arthur Flour
Apple Ice Cream With Caramel Brandy Sauce  – Time For A Little Something
Peanut Butter Pots – Be Different Act Normal
Caramelized Pumpkin Seeds – Cooking With My Kid
Fall Crafts
Boo Sign – Then She Made
Candy Corn Centerpiece – Ashbeedesign
Coffee Filter Pumpkins – Over The Big Moon
Halloween Carafe – Everyday Reading
Halloween Block – Burton Avenue

A Little Home Makeover

Hunter, my sister and I spent Sunday afternoon painting out the kitchen and a wall in her bedroom. If you’ve ever seen my kitchen then you know that its like a small dark hellish hall. There is nothing happy about the kitchen in my apartment so we decided we would try to brighten it up a little with a fresh coat of paint and its deffinitly added new life to the place. I’d still love to get one of those vinyl quotes to hang on the wall as well as paint the hood over the oven and hang some picture frames. Sometime down the road if we end up staying in this apartment for awhile i will consider talking to my landlord about painting the counters with that special counter paint.

Cody also painted a single wall in her bedroom to brighten that up as well and make it feel a little more like home. It looks  a lot better than it did when it was my room thats for sure. Its amazing what a can of paint and some rollers can do!

DIY Jewelry Holder

Awhile ago I was out yard sailing when i stumbled upon two really cute mirrors. I picked them up with the intentions of hanging them above my bed to add a little focus to my really boring bedroom. Of course that didn’t end up happening though because i ended up breaking the glass out of one of them. I was totally bummed cause i had been picturing them hanging above my bed and had fallen completely in love with the mirrors framing. I ended up keeping the broken mirrors framing and held onto it for awhile before becoming annoyed one day with the jewelry that was scattered around my bedroom and thrown on nails in the wall. I decided to take the old frame and re purpose it as a jewelry holder.


#1 Remove cardboard backing from mirror.

#2 Locate fabric that suits your tastes. I happened to have some left over from my bed spread that I made and decided to use that.

#3 Using a glue gun tightly wrap and glue the fabric around the cardboard backing.

#4 Use fabric ribbon to criss cross across the fabric. If you want you can also add buttons.

#5 Allow for the glue to dry and insert cardboard backing back into frame.

TA DA You’re Done! Simple right? It was actually pretty easy to do and if you have an old picture frame hanging around or a mirror that happens to have broken glass but you just cant bear parting with it you could easily do it yourself as well.

DIY Duvet Cover

So when I moved to Florida a couple years ago I had pretty a few suitcases and boxes of Hunters stuff that my sister had mailed to me. I had no bedding, pots and pans or anything to actually furnish a house. Somehow though I managed to acquire a lot of stuff but my room was on the pretty lame side and I wanted to do something to warm it up a little. So I made a Duvet cover from fabric and a flat sheet that was super easy to make so even the worst sewer could handle it!

1. Go online and browse through the fabric or at the fabric store to get an idea of what kind of fabric you would like to use.
2. Purchase a flat sheet. Keep in mind you will need to purchase one that is one size bigger then your bed.
3. Go to the fabric store and purchase the fabric. You will need enough yards to cover the whole flat sheet.
4. Once home you will need to cut your fabric into length that will cover the sheet.
5. Sew the fabric lengths together. 
6. Take the sheet and your fabric lengths and match them up corner to corner make sure that the design on the fabric is face down against the sheets front. 
7. Starting with the top of the sheet sew the two sides together.
8. Sew the corners closed.
9. Attach buttons to the bottom and cut small holes for them.
10. Turn it so that its no longer inside out.
11. Stuff with a down comforter and you are done!!!

Great Websites Simaliar To PINTEREST

I know everybody(well just about everybody) loves Pinterest but sometimes its nice to have a change. So I’ve come up with a list of websites that all have features similar to Pinterest but are all unique in their own ways! So whether you’re planning a wedding or are just a food lover check them out!
 I’ve been using We Heart It from time to time for a few months now. Pretty much on We Heart It you heart the things that you like, you can organize them into sets and also heart images from other sites. I will say that its very girly; its definitely geared more towards teenage girls.
I’ve been using Craft Gawker for awhile and absolutely love it! Its geared towards everything crafty and theirs tons of projects for all crafters! Just heart the crafts that you want to save for future use, type in a tag and press save!!
Food Gawker is just like Craft Gawker but instead of crafts its for food! I really love this site I’ve found a ton of great recipes on here!
Pinspire is a lot like Pinterest. Like Pinterest Pinspire breaks everything down into categories so you can find what you want without having to search through a bunch of stuff that you don’t want to look through. 
Houzz is an amazing website that I just started using but I can say I am completely in love with it. Its pretty much Pinterst for the house. It has all the rooms broken down so you can find specific projects for the room that you’re working on. You can create look books by room or however you want to organize them. If your getting ready to remodel or just looking for ideas Houzz is a great place to look!
Pinstyle is the pin board for everything style! Collect and save the styles and looks that you like! If your a fashion lover like I am then you will love this site.
Dwelling Gawker is a lot like Craft Gawker except its just for the home. I haven’t really spent much time on the site so I don’t really know if they have a lot of great ideas but its worth checking it out.

I wanna Nom is another place to find and save great recipes. Tons and Tons of great recipes from all over the web! I’m hungry just thinking about it!
Love.Ly is geared towards those planning a wedding its pretty much Pinterest on wedding crack. It can be broken down by categories or by color!
Like Craft Gawker instead it is EVERYTHING wedding. Perfect site to use if you’re planning a wedding and looking for ideas.
Is another great pinterest type site for the fashion lover. Its definitely worth taking a look if you love fashion!

SwimSpot Giveaway #Win

So I always have a really hard time finding a bathing suit that is not only cute but also fits great as well. So when I came across SwimSpot I was really excited to not only see their great selection of suits but that the site also has features like Bikini Builder and Fit Specialist. They also have a wide selection of popular brands like Nautica, Athena and Guess.

I really enjoyed the Bikini Builder because I’m one of those people that loves to mix and match things to see what cute look I can come up with. With the Bikini builder you can take brands like Hurley or Nautica and see what SwimSpot stocks from them and then mix and match the different pieces until you find something that suits your needs! For example Hurley has twelve tops and twelve bottoms so that’s one hundred and forty four different combinations you could try out!

Another great feature of SwimSpot is the Fit Specialist! The Fit Specialist is a great tool because it allows you to find your body type and gives you examples of swim suits that would look great on you! Also, If you’re unsure of what your body type is it gives you descriptions of the six different types so that you can decide!
Not only does SwimSpot have these great features but they also have a lot of terrific swimwear! I browsed over the site for awhile and found multiple swimsuits that I would love to have that are not only fashionable but cute as well! 
If you haven’t been by SwimSpot and are looking for a new suit for your summer or vacation needs then head on over there. Make sure you check them out on Facebook and Twitter as well! Also One lucky Just The Two Of Us reader will be given the chance to WIN a $50 Gift Code from SwimSpot to use towards the purchase of a bathing suit! To enter just use the Rafflecopter form below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: All opinions are my own. I received no monetary compensation for this post.

Everything Worth Fighting For – Chapter One

He used to mean something to me but its been four years, six months and three days since I last saw him and i swear i could care less. The tattered old newspaper that lies open in front of me has been folded and unfolded too many times to count. I couldn’t begin to tell you how many times i’ve traced my finger across his name or how many times I’ve stared into those grey green eyes. I swear though I only carry it with me just to remind myself that I’m over him. I was over him the day I walked out on him four years, six months and three days ago.

Picking up the paper my eyes dart across the article never stopping to read the words I memorized years ago, the words I never needed to read to know that Dillon Hall local fisherman and Alaskan hero was a drug addict. No, I’d spent two years living the nightmare, through the lies and then like the changing tide I’d left.

The man beside Dillon, the one with his arm wrapped around his shoulder is the reason I’m going home. He’s the reason I’m on a red eye in the middle of the night with red eyes, he’s my father and I’m going home to bury him. My mom always joked that my dad would die one of two ways; at sea or in his captains chair from too many years of poor diet and too many missed medical check ups.

My mom called this morning to let me know the conversation going like this “Well honey your daddy passed away this morning” before she added “The doctors think it was a heart attack, I always said he was going to die of a heart attack if he didn’t get his butt out of that damn chair”

My mother doesn’t believe in sugar coating things and shes as stubborn as an ox. When she says to do something you do it and you don’t ask questions which is why I’m on this damn plane.

Beside me my four year-old son with his green eyes and dark hair sighs scrunching up his nose “Momma, whats wrong?” he asks. His voice is full of concern uncommon in a kid his age but Preston isn’t like most kids.

Putting my game face on, I smile and ruffle my fingers through his hair “Nothing sweetie I’m just tired” I lie. The truth is nothing is right. I’m going home and i feel like I’m about to walk into a lions den. I’ve spent the past four years protecting him and now that blanket I wrapped us so tightly up in is about to come off.

As the plane begins to descend I think back to the last thing my father said to me. “You can only keep a secret for so long Riley before it comes back to bite you in the ass” That was two years ago. As the mountains come up to greet us, the planes landing gear creaking out over a boat filled harbor my dads words stick in my head like glue to a piece of paper and for the first time I really hear them because below me the wheels hitting the pavement is my past coming back to bite me in the ass.

Read it.

So since I was a kid I have always loved writing but I’ll admit I’ve never been very good at it. I’m not good with the wording or the spelling or putting my feelings to paper unless they are my own and its a last resort. In my head though, I’ve always been able to come up with these amazing stories that have sounded so great and every now and then I’ve put them down on paper or typed them out on the computer and left them sitting there never paying much attention to them or sharing them cause god forbid someone judge me…or the way that i write. That’s all about to change though….i recently opened up a wattpad account where i have been sharing….GOD FORBID…and Ive decided to go outside my comfort zone and share with all of you.
I will say that this story, set in Alaska is in its FIRST DRAFT, I’ve only put the basics down but I’m sharing it with you guys. I’ve yet to do the research! I’m stepping outside my comfort zone so tell me if it sucks, tell me if you like it, tell me if the spelling/grammar is wrong….just tell me what you think and feel when you read it. I plan on sharing chapter for chapter. Its so crazy for me because my sisters used to tease me for retreating to my room and writing but I LOVE IT, even if my head gets further ahead then my brain! Anyhow the first piece of work that ill be sharing with you is called “Everything worth fighting for”
I hope you enjoy.