Crock Pot Orange Chicken

Last night my sister and I wanted something that resembled takeout for dinner but without the crazy pricing so we decided to make crock pot orange chicken. I have to say for the first time making it that it came out tasting great and was on the easy side to make.

(Sucky Picture, Oh well!)

4-6 Boneless Chicken Breasts, Cut up into chunks
1/4 C. Flour
Olive Oil
1 Frozen Orange Juice From Concentrate, Cut in half
5 Tablespoons Brown Sugar
2 Tablespoons Ketchup
Cut the chicken breasts into chunks. Pour flour into a Ziploc bag and add the chicken. Shake to coat chicken with flour.
Heat olive oil in a pan and add the chicken. Cook on medium heat until brown.
Mix together ketchup, orange juice(1 half) and brown sugar in a bowl.
Set your crock pot on low and add the chicken pieces. Pour the orange juice mixture over the chicken and stir. 
Allow to cook on low for around five hours.
Serve over rice.

Layered Taco Dip Recipe

During the recent UNREAL candy party we had at our house my sister made Taco dip for it and although the picture of it pretty much sucks it was still really good.

Soooo here’s the recipe!!
2 lbs Hamburger
2 Packages Taco Seasoning
Sour Cream
1 Can Refried Beans
1 Tomato
Shredded Cheddar Cheese
Iceberg Lettuce
1 Can Sliced Olives
Cook the hamburger as directed on the back of the Taco seasoning.
Place the beans in the bottom of a glass pan followed by the hamburger.
Layer remaining ingredients one over the other ending with the cheese!

Capocollo and Salami Stromboli Recipe

Friday night at our house is pizza night but occasionally we like to switch it up a little and do a calzone or Stromboli instead. Awhile back I made a really awesome Stromboli that was extremely easy to make and was delicious so of course I have to share the recipe!!

1 Pre-Made Pizza Dough Ball
4 ounces thinly sliced deli capocollo
4 Ounces thinly sliced deli salami
4 ounces thinly sliced deli provolone cheese
1/2 c. Parmesan cheese , grated
1 large egg, beaten lightly

Preheat the oven to 400.

First you want to roll out your dough on a flat surface. You want to roll it out more into the shape of a rectangle. You don’t want it to be thick or to thin.
Once you have it all rolled out you want to layer it with the meat and the provolone. Make sure to leave some space along the edges. Top the provolone with the Parmesan cheese.
You are then going to roll the dough up tightly and press the edges to seal them closed. Place it onto a pizza pan or cookie sheet.
Take your egg and brush it over the top. Spray a sheet of tin foil with cooking spray and cover the Stromboli with it. Bake for twenty five minutes and remove from oven. Remove tinfoil and bake until the crust is golden brown. Remove and let cool.

Garlic Stuffed Pork Loin w/Herb Rub Recipe – Moms Birthday Dinner

Last night was my moms birthday so we invited her and my stepfather over for dinner along with cake. My sister was in charge of making the chocolate cake with dark chocolate frosting and I was in charge of making the meal. I had a hard time deciding what I was going to make and finally settled on a pork loin roast stuffed with garlic and an herb rub. I have to say that the house smelled amazing and it tasted delicious! For those of you who have never cooked a pork loin roast before its a lot easier then you would think!
Garlic Stuffed Pork Loin w/Herb Rub Recipe

Pork Loin Roast
Garlic, cut into small chunks
Garlic, minced or you can use 1 tbsp garlic powder
2 tbsp evoo
2 tbsp Thyme
2 tbsp Basil
2 tbsp Rosemary
1 tsp Sea Salt
1 to 1-1/2 tsp Pepper
Using a knife cut small slits into pork roast and stuff the small chunks of garlic into it. I prefer to do this on the fatty side and then cover over where I have stuffed it with the fat.
Mix together remaining ingredients and rub over both sides of your roast. I use the oil cause i find that its easier to rub it on if I do.
Place into a roasting pan. Follow directions on back of pork loin packaging for minute per pound ratio and temp.
Along with our pork we also had some boxed mushroom rice that really wasn’t all that great and my yummy Stuffed Portabella Mushrooms. 
Happy Birthday Mom!

Greek-ish Pizza Recipe

Greek-ish Pizza Recipe

Every Friday night at our house we make pizza as a family. Its not only a great way to spend time together but its also yummy. Over the years we’ve come up with a lot of different recipes one of my favorite being our Greek-ish Pizza recipe. It puts a new spin on a Greek Pizza, is semi healthy and packed with flavor! I hope you enjoy this as much as my family does!

1 Pizza Dough or pre-made pizza crust
1 Jar of Pesto Sauce
Spinach, sauteed
Red Onions
Kalamata Olives
Feta Cheese
Sun dried tomatoes packed in oil
Mozzarella Cheese, shredded
Fresh Parmesan Cheese

Roll out your pizza dough. If your using a pre-made crust spread the pesto sauce over it.
Cut up the fresh mozzarella into slices and lay over the pesto sauce. Fill in bare spots with mozzarella cheese and parm. Spread remaining toppings starting with spinach and followed by onions and remaining ingredients over the cheese. Bake at 425 for 15 to 20 minutes or until cheese is melted.

Oat less Apple Crisp Recipe

I’ve been in the mood for something yummy with apples in it for the past few days so today i picked up a bag of apples at the grocery store and headed home to make apple crisp. Unfortunately in my hurry to get in and out of the store i forgot to pick up oats for it but decided to go ahead and make it anyways. I’m so happy that I did because it was sooooo good!

The pictures don’t do it justice because it was soooo yummy!
Oat less Apple Crisp Recipe
4 to 5 Cups of Apples cored and cut up
3/4 cup of brown sugar
3/4 cup sugar
3/4 cup of flour
1-1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon
6 tablespoons of butter, melted
Preheat oven to 350.
Put the apples in a baking dish that’s been lightly buttered.
Mix together brown sugar, sugar, flour, butter and cinnamon until it is crumbly.
Toss the topping over the fruit and mix together.
Bake for 40 to 50 minutes or until apples are browned.
We topped ours with crumbled up cinnamon chex when it was finished.

I’m In The Mood For Pasta – Recipes

I don’t eat pasta very often but every now and then I get a big craving for it and decide to make some. The only trouble is there is only a few recipes that I actually like; my lasagna, my feta and shrimp pasta and plain old spaghetti. Hunter on the other hand absolutely loves pasta and asks for it all the time! So I’ve created a Pasta, Pasta, Pasta board on Pinterest with tons of recipes in case you’re looking for inspiration!

Recipes For The Peanut Butter Lover!

I am a total peanutbutter addict. I will eat it in just about any form with the exception of eating it straight out of the jar. Also make sure to check out my Peanut Butter Board on Pinterest for even more Peanut Butter yummyness!

18 Dip Recipes

18 Yummy Dip Recipes!
Check out my Pinterest Everything Dip board for even more!