Contact/PR Info

About Us
I am a mom blogger who blogs about life as a single mom, family and parenting, DIY Projects,recipes, fashion and home. I also writes product reviews and hosts giveaways.
For additional information please visit the About Us portion of our blog.
Contact Info
Companies We Have Worked With Include
Boogie Wipes
Burt’s Bees
Silicone Body
Jamba Juice
Services We Offer

Product Reviews and Giveaways
I review family friendly products. I am willing to review/giveaway childrens products, clothing, books, food and some additional items and services. All products reviewed must be a full size sample and will not be returned. I require at least two weeks from the date of receiving the product to review it. I provide only honest reviews! All giveaways will be posted along with the review unless otherwise stated. Giveaways and reviews are a wonderful option for driving traffic to your website and informing readers of a product they may not be firmilair witth.
We do not currently charge to review products or host giveaways unless it requires extra work on our part.
Sponsored Posts – 
We will ocassionaly write sponsored posts if we feel they are relevant to our blog.
For additional information please contact Taylor at
Advertising – 
We are open to advertising as long as we feel it is relevant to our blog. 
For additional information please contact Taylor at Giveawaygirl@Hotmail.Com
Our Stats
Monthly Pageviews: 6000
Facebook Likes: 1949
Twitter Followers: 1345