Mom Failing?!

I’m failing my son or at least that’s how I feel after I attended my sons first parent teacher conference today. Oh dear god, I don’t even know where to start! I guess I’ll start with what they started with; I have a loving, polite and kind little boy. Great, right? Yup, but that isn’t anything I didn’t know already. What else did they have to say? That while he is all the above things he also has an extremely hard time focusing. Another thing I was already fully aware of.

I wasn’t aware however though that for the past few weeks my son hasn’t even been attending lessons with the rest of his kindergarten class but has instead been going into another classroom with eleven other students. Why? Apparently he’s behind the other students and needs extra help. Although I was aware that he was a little behind I wasn’t aware that he was behind enough to require him to be put in another classroom. I felt completely blindsided! If this has been happening for a few weeks shouldn’t i have been informed beforehand or weeks ago!

Not only that but they pretty much told me that Hunter wouldn’t be going to first grade next year. Its the tenth of October and you’re already pretty much telling me that my son won’t move into the next grade NEXT YEAR in OCTOBER?! Are you kidding me?! We aren’t even two months into the year! At this point I was holding back tears because even though hes getting the extra help he needs I feel like they are also giving up on him at the same time.

I’m frustrated….beyond frustrated! I want to cry! I feel like I have completely failed my son and that its my fault he is so behind. I haven’t always been able to focus on helping him with the ABC’s or reading to him as much as i want to until this year because I’m finally able to balance my life a little more to where I have the time. So I guess I’m pretty much failing my kid. Ugh. I’m open to any comments, suggestions, advice!

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