Sandpaper Printed Tees

I’m always on the lookout for fun and inexpensive crafts to do with Hunters on the weekends just to change things up a bit. Today we decided to decorate our own t-shirts using sandpaper, crayons and an iron. It was not only super cheap but easy as well. We spent a total of $3 on this project by purchasing everything that we needed at the local dollar store.

What You’ll Need
A couple sheets of sandpaper depending on how many t-shirts you plan on making.
White T-Shirts
Color a design onto the sandpaper. Make sure that you apply the crayon thickly to the sandpaper.
Once you are finished place a piece of cardboard inside of the t-shirt to prevent the crayon from bleeding through onto the other side. 
Place the sandpaper onto the shirt and place a paper towel over it.
Take the iron and move it over each area of the sandpaper holding for about ten seconds in each spot. 
Slowly peel back the sandpaper to check to make sure it transferred.
Then you’re done!
Pretty simple, right?
Make sure that you machine wash on cold and hang to dry when laundering.

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