A Bar Of Ivory Soap and A Microwave

Usually I’m not the type to experiment by putting body care products into my microwave cause the two things really don’t go together all that well. I mean mascara and a microwave?! No, didn’t think so. Tonight though I decided to see what would happen if I put a bar of Ivory soap in the microwave for two minutes. Sounds pretty crazy, right? You’re probably thinking why on earth is she microwaving soap its not like its going to magically clean the microwave. You’re right it won’t but that’s not what I was trying to do.

A while ago I read in some parenting magazine that if you microwaved a bar of Ivory soap that it would expand up to six times its size. I didn’t believe it but tonight while I was cleaning out under the bathroom sink I found a bar of ivory soap and decided to try it out just for the heck of it. I mean whats the worst that could happen it might burn?!
So I dug out a plate and removed the wrapper and popped it in the microwave ready to jump into action if it caught on fire or something. Well much to my surprise after waiting for about fifteen seconds it began to grow right before mine and Hunter’s eyes. Hunter was ecstatic and couldn’t peel his eyes away! After about two minutes it stopped growing(thank god cause our microwave isn’t that big) and after patiently waiting for it to cool down I let Hunter play with it for a bit. Of course like any kid he wanted to try it again and we ended up doing a second bar. I was still pretty shocked that it actually worked and its pretty crazy to watch its like a ghost slowly coming out of hiding or something!
Apparently that when you put the Ivory soap in the microwave it heats it up and softens it up a bit as well as heating the water and air that are trapped inside of it.  The water then vaporizes and the air expands which causes the softened soap to also expand into a foam. Wowsers that’s way too much science for someone who didn’t do all that great in science in high school but either way it was pretty cool to watch!

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