Annie’s Pizza Slice of Happiness Tour

From September 29th until Mid-November Annie’s Pizza mobile will be hitting the road with stops in 11 US cities nationwide to celebrate the expansion of their new organic pizzas. The Annie’s Pizza mobile will be offering up samples of all three of their new pizzas; Four Cheese, BBQ Recipe Chicken and uncured Pepperoni.

Not only will the Slice of Happiness Tour be offering up delicious Annie’s Pizza but they’ll also be hosting fun family activities, photo opportunities with Bernie, Annie’s Mascot an Rabbit of Approval. You’ll also have the chance to win prizes or coupons. You’ll also have the opportunity to visit the Annie’s Farm Truck which is a mobile garden that grows both organic herbs an vegetables!

The Annie’s Pizza mobile will also be making stops along their Slice of Happiness Tour at family-friendly events like youth sporting events, parks and farmers markets along with special detour stops requested by Annie’s fans. If you’re interested in hosting your own special “detour” event you can submit an application at!

Tour Schedule
Locations to be announced online at closer to event dates.
Sept. 29-30 San Francisco Bay Area
Oct. 5-7 Denver, CO
Oct. 10 Des Moines, IA
Oct. 12-13 Chicago, IL
Oct. 16-17 Cincinnati, OH
Oct. 20-21, 23 New York, NY
Oct. 24-25 New Haven, CT
Oct. 27-28 Philadelphia, PA
Oct. 31, Nov. 2 Atlanta, GA
Nov. 3-4 Nashville, TN
Nov. 7-8 Minneapolis, MN
Nov. 14-16 San Francisco Bay Area

If you’re new to Annie’s products they also have a ton of other organic items including Mac and Cheese and kids snacks. If you’re already a fan of Annie’s and want to show your support use the hashtag #sliceofhappiness on Twitter or Instagram.

I learned about the Annie’s Pizza Slice of Happiness Tour through Moms Meet.  For more information check out!

Disclaimer: I am blogging about this product without compensation from the sponsor of the Moms MeetSM program, May Media Group LLC, who received it directly from the manufacturer. As a Moms MeetSM blogger, I agreed to review this product and post my opinion on my blog. My opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of May Media Group LLC
or the manufacturer of the product.

DIY Mug Makeover

So my sister and I recently realized that we don’t own a single coffee cup. Actually up until a few days ago we only owned one and seeing that we are both big coffee drinkers that’s a bit of a problem cause we can’t exactly take turns using the cup. So we took a drive down to the Dollar Store and picked up five plain white coffee cups.

 I can’t leave anything plain though so I got out the sharpies(my new best friends) and started drawing! I had wanted to do a quote on the cups but I hate my handwriting so until I find someone who has halfway decent handwriting I won’t be doing that.

1. Draw or write something on your cup!

2. Preheat the oven to 350 Degrees!

3. Bake cups for 30 minutes, remove and allow to cool.

Pretty simple, right?! These would make a cheap and easy Christmas gift for any member of the family! Please note that cups must be hand washed!

Capocollo and Salami Stromboli Recipe

Friday night at our house is pizza night but occasionally we like to switch it up a little and do a calzone or Stromboli instead. Awhile back I made a really awesome Stromboli that was extremely easy to make and was delicious so of course I have to share the recipe!!

1 Pre-Made Pizza Dough Ball
4 ounces thinly sliced deli capocollo
4 Ounces thinly sliced deli salami
4 ounces thinly sliced deli provolone cheese
1/2 c. Parmesan cheese , grated
1 large egg, beaten lightly

Preheat the oven to 400.

First you want to roll out your dough on a flat surface. You want to roll it out more into the shape of a rectangle. You don’t want it to be thick or to thin.
Once you have it all rolled out you want to layer it with the meat and the provolone. Make sure to leave some space along the edges. Top the provolone with the Parmesan cheese.
You are then going to roll the dough up tightly and press the edges to seal them closed. Place it onto a pizza pan or cookie sheet.
Take your egg and brush it over the top. Spray a sheet of tin foil with cooking spray and cover the Stromboli with it. Bake for twenty five minutes and remove from oven. Remove tinfoil and bake until the crust is golden brown. Remove and let cool.

Garlic Stuffed Pork Loin w/Herb Rub Recipe – Moms Birthday Dinner

Last night was my moms birthday so we invited her and my stepfather over for dinner along with cake. My sister was in charge of making the chocolate cake with dark chocolate frosting and I was in charge of making the meal. I had a hard time deciding what I was going to make and finally settled on a pork loin roast stuffed with garlic and an herb rub. I have to say that the house smelled amazing and it tasted delicious! For those of you who have never cooked a pork loin roast before its a lot easier then you would think!
Garlic Stuffed Pork Loin w/Herb Rub Recipe

Pork Loin Roast
Garlic, cut into small chunks
Garlic, minced or you can use 1 tbsp garlic powder
2 tbsp evoo
2 tbsp Thyme
2 tbsp Basil
2 tbsp Rosemary
1 tsp Sea Salt
1 to 1-1/2 tsp Pepper
Using a knife cut small slits into pork roast and stuff the small chunks of garlic into it. I prefer to do this on the fatty side and then cover over where I have stuffed it with the fat.
Mix together remaining ingredients and rub over both sides of your roast. I use the oil cause i find that its easier to rub it on if I do.
Place into a roasting pan. Follow directions on back of pork loin packaging for minute per pound ratio and temp.
Along with our pork we also had some boxed mushroom rice that really wasn’t all that great and my yummy Stuffed Portabella Mushrooms. 
Happy Birthday Mom!

Dealing With A Mean Girl

Tonight has been a long night filled with tears and trying to decide between picking up the telephone and calling the cops or picking up the telephone and calling the parents of a fifteen year old girl who has decided to harass my sister online. As you probably recall my sister moved in with me a few weeks back and tonight i found her in her bedroom crying and screaming at her computer.

The girl doing the harassing is a sophomore in high school where we grew up and this is not the first incident she has been involved in where she has been caught posting inappropriate things online. I am not going to say the things that she said about my sister only that she used her full name(my sisters) and that they were posted on her tumblr account. After calming my sister down a bit and sending her off to the neighbors to talk with them for a bit(they’re great listeners) i contemplated calling the child’s parents to inform them of what was happening. Instead I called my older sister who was at a meeting at the school. I ended up sending a note to a good friend who’s husband was a former county cop where the girl lives. I did this to get her advice and greatly appreciate what she had to say.

After talking to a few of my sisters friends I found out that this is not the first incident which the girl has been involved. A young lady who is now fifteen whom i used to babysit was also a victim of this girls online puke parade. I call it a puke parade because everything out of the young women’s mouth is garbage, its vulgar and disgusting. The the other girl who was harassed by her actually printed out what was written about her and brought it to the principal because it was written on a school computer. Apparently it was brought to the girls parents attention and she was spoken too. It must have gone completely over her head because here she is doing it again and not only is she attacking my sister but there is garbage written on her tumblr account about the principal of the school, the other girl and many more.

My issue though is why its continuing to happen after the girls parents have already been told about it? Why are they not checking up on what she is doing online when they know that there is a problem? Do they just not care. This young lady has pictures of herself half naked, references to drug and alcohol use and a lot of references to sexually explicit things that no fifteen year old should be making. Its not only disgusting but disturbing as well. Most parents I know want to know what their kids are doing online and monitor them. Its like this kids parents are in total denial.

As for my sister shes taking the high road and letting it go for now. I know that if we continue to have problems with this that we will more then likely report her but for now we are trying to let it go.

22 Not-So-Freaky Scary Movies For Kids

I love Halloween movies but know that a lot of them are totally inappropriate for little eyes. Not only are they far too gory but they tend to lead to weeks worth of bad dreams and sleepless nights. Yet its still fun to   pop a fun goblin, ghost and monster filled movie into the DVD player around this time of year and curl up on the couch with your family to celebrate Halloween. To help your family celebrate and at the same time ensure you won’t (hopefully) be plagued with weeks worth of sleepless nights I’ve come up with a list f Not-So-Freaky Scary movies for kids. Please keep in mind this is just a general list and some kids may still find some of these scary!
On a side note, while I was searching for kids movies I accidentally had to see a picture of Jason from Halloween and now I probably will  not sleep for weeks! That dude has ALWAYS creeped me out!

Not-SO-Freaky Scary Movies For Kids

Monsters, Inc.
The Nightmare Before Christmas
The Black Cauldron
Spookley the Square Pumpkin
The Little Vampire
Pooh’s Heffalump Halloween Movie
Escape to Witch Mountain
Halloween Town

The Addams Family
The Wizard of Oz
Bedknobs and Broomsticks
Teen Witch
Kiki’s Delivery Service
Mickey’s House of Villain’s
Arthur’s Scary Stories
It’s The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown
Hocus Pocus

Tie Dye Sharpie T-Shirts

Tie Dye Sharpies T-Shirts

I’ve been in a crafty mood the past few days and tonight I decided to do another t-shirt project. This time instead of using crayons or sandpaper I decided to try out tye dying a t-shirt with sharpies. Aside from the splitting headache I got from coloring with them for over an hour this project was a lot of fun.

What You’ll Need
White T-Shirt(Purchased from the Dollar Store)
Sharpies(Purchased at the Dollar Store)
Rubbing Alcohol
Paint Brush

Color a design on your t-shirt with the sharpies.
 When finished brush over with rubbing alcohol.