Preparing for kindergarten

So I went and signed Hunter up for school today, well sort of kind of because i still have to turn in some paperwork but for the most part hes all set. Okay okay I wish, he gets back from Maine on the 15th, has orientation and testing on the 16th, a physical on the 17th and starts school on the 20th. CRAP, Things are going to be CRAZY! I did manage to pick up a couple of uniforms for him which is so weird to me cause i always got to wear “normal” clothes when i was a kid. I also managed to pick up all of the supplies on the list that he needed except for hand sanitizer because honestly who wants to walk all the way to the opposite side of the store just to get hand sanitizer. Do any of you have kids starting school this year? Or kids that are already in school? What do you do to prepare for the new year?

Worldwide Diamond Candle Giveaway Blogger Opp

Who doesn’t love diamonds? Many readers have requested a worldwide Diamond Candle Giveaway and so Starting August 3rd, Rita Reviews along with some blogger friends, will be hosting a Diamond Candle Bonanza Giveaway Event. We will be giving away a set of 5 Diamond Candles ($100 Value!) Diamond Candles are these really cool earth-friendly soy candles that are made in the USA and contain a surprise in them. You see, in each candle there is a ring worth anything from $10 to $5,000! That’s right, you could have a diamond ring worth $5,000 inside of your candle! So mark your calendars, you don’t want to miss it! If you are a blogger and want to participate in this event and potentially earn thousands of new followers, you can sign up HERE

Spinach and Pepper Jack Stuffed Cajun Chicken

So I’ve been on a bit of a dinner cooking roll the past few nights and tonight i continued that and tried out yet another new idea. I had some chicken that i picked up earlier at the store that id planned on making Cajun chicken with. Well i decided to spice things up a little and try out something different.

Spinach and Pepper Jack Stuffed Cajun Chicken
1 Package Chicken Breast
1 c. Spinach, Sauteed
Pepper Jack Cheese, shredded or cut into chunks
Olive Oil
Bread Crumbs
Cajun Seasoning
To Make
Preheat oven to 350
Slice each chicken breast nearly in half.
Saute spinach. In a bowl mix together spinach and cheese.
Combine bread crumbs and Cajun seasoning.
Coat chicken with the bread crumb and Cajun mixture.
Stuff with spinach and cheese mixture.
Bake chicken at 350 for 40 minutes or until no longer pink!!

PottyCover – Disposable Toilet Seat Covers For Kids Review

Ever since my son started school this past fall he has turned into a bit of a germaphob. He washes his hands every time he uses the bathroom, before dinner and randomly throughout the day and he really doesn’t care for public bathrooms(but really who does?). Recently I was given the opportunity to try out Pottycovers which are designed specifically with children in mind.

First of all I will say that whoever came up with this design is a genius. My favorite thing about them is that unlike the normal ones they sometimes provide in restrooms these ones are designed to have an extra long flap in the front. The great thing about this? People with shorter legs tend to hang over and against the toilet. EWW! Also they are longer on the sides as well which is great because a lot of younger kids tend to rest their hands on the side of the toilet. I had honestly never really thought about that until I received the potty covers to try with my son.
I also love that they are easy to install because the material that they are made of isn’t flimsy like the ones that you find in a restroom. Its a bit thicker. Not only that but they come packaged individually so you can just toss one into your bag and have it for when you need it!
We used these while traveling and I honestly couldn’t say enough about how impressed with them I was. My son really enjoyed them as well.
Pottycover is sold in a pack and can be purchased from places including Amazon and Ebay! You can also find more information at!
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Spectacle Island Picnic

During the summer my family in Maine spends a lot of time boating and picnicking. Hunter and I had never been on any of the family picnics cause we live in Florida so that tends to make things a bit difficult. While there this summer we were able to go on a picnic with them to Spectacle Island which is a small island near Vinalhaven. There are no houses there and its the perfect place to spend an afternoon swimming and wandering around the island.
Hunter really enjoyed the boat ride to the island, sitting on the cooler and watching the rowboat being towed behind us.
Hunter, Isabelle and his aunt Cody sitting on the live tank on the way to Spectacle.

Hunter and I actually managed to walk around the whole island crawling over tree branches and making our way from one ledge to another. He did an awesome job and had a lot of fun!

On the way home he finally gave into exhaustion and took a short nap on the live tank!

Hunters 5th Birthday Party

While in Maine we were lucky enough to have a small family birthday party for Hunter. It was held on the beach so the kids could play in the water and roam around. We had hot dogs and burgers and the grown ups had wine. It was a lot of fun and very simple and Hunter really enjoyed it! Just thought I would share a few photos!
Canoeing with cousins

 Playing with a crab he found

On the way home

Stuffed Portabella Mushrooms Recipe

I decided tonight that although i wasn’t very hungry that i also hadn’t had anything to eat all day so i would make something both light and hopefully healthy and came up with Stuffed Portabella mushrooms. Oh my god they were soooo good. The picture below does not do them justice! So I’m going to share another really easy recipe with you guys that literally took me about five minutes to whip together!

Stuffed Portabella Mushrooms
2 Large Portabella Mushrooms
Feta Cheese
Fresh Spinach
Chopped Red Onions
Sun Dried Tomatoes in oil/or Roasted Red Peppers
To Make
Use a spoon and remove the meaty part of the mushrooms.
Saute spinach, onion and garlic in a pan.
Mix together feta, spinach, onions, garlic and tomatoes in a bowl and spoon into mushrooms.
Cook at 350 for 15 minutes!

Baked Italian Shrimp Recipe

Just had these for dinner over a simple green salad and they were delicious and super simple to make as well! So if your just looking for a fun appetizer or something to spice up a salad or are just in the mood for shrimp give it a try!!

Baked Italian Shrimp Recipe
Fresh or frozen shrimp
1/2 stick to 1 stick of butter
1 lemon sliced up
1 package dry Italian dressing seasoning
To make
Melt butter in the bottom of a tin foil lined pan. Add lemon slices. Add shrimp. Sprinkle one package of dry Italian dressing seasoning over shrimp. Bake for 15 minutes at 350.
You could also do this on the grill in tin foil!