Spanx Bra-liminate Minimizer Giveaway

The popular shapewear company Spanx has recently come out with several new products. One of them is the Bra-liminate Minimizer Bra. This bra is ultra-comfortable and is designed with the full busted lady in mind. The Bra-liminate Minimizer minimizes the chest by one inch. This eliminates shirt slack and button bulge that’s a common problem for full busted women. You can now confidently command attention knowing Spanx has your girls covered! This bra absolutely does what it says it does. When I tried this bra for the first time, I immediately noticed a change in the fit of my shirts. I could see the most difference when I wore button down shirts. I was a bit worried at first that my bust would feel a little smashed when wearing this bra. However, I soon found that my chest was very comfortable in this minimizing bra. I also love the material this bra is made out of. I can tell that Spanx uses high quality materials in their products. This bra is sure to last for a while without wearing out. The people over at Spanx were kind enough to offer one lucky reader a chance to win a Bra-liminate Minimizer Bra! Please join The Coupon Sweeper and a group of great bloggers for this awesome giveaway.  Thanks for coming to visit Just The Two Of Us we’re so excited to have you here…………………. a Rafflecopter giveaway
The Coupon Sweeper received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Mom Blog Society. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Aeropostale $250 Summer Wardrobe Giveaway

Welcome to the $250 Summer Wardrobe Giveaway!

Aéropostale is a mall-based, specialty retailer of casual apparel and accessories. Aéropostale provides customers with a focused selection of high-quality, active-oriented, fashion and fashion basic merchandise at compelling values. Products can be purchased in-stores and online at and   You can find exclusive Aeropostale Coupons and discounted gift cards on, your only source for both! Now you finally have a way to stack your savings in a whole new way!!!

Great! Now log you entries in the Rafflecopter form below and don’t forget to come back for your daily entries!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I Wish…

I wish I spent less time worrying about the 10,123 messes my son makes on a daily basis and more time making them with him.
I wish i spent less time letting the things i have no control over consume me. Flat tires, dead batteries, etc, I can’t control these things.
I wish i cared less about what others think and more time being proud of the person that i am becoming.
i wish i remembered to buy garbage bags before realizing the garbage is overflowing and the box is empty. The same goes for laundry detergent, dish soap, shampoo, etc.
i wish i spent more time outside exploring with my son and less time inside searching channel after channel for something to watch and never finding anything.
i really wish i hadn’t left that cucumber on the shelf of the fridge to rot or that lemon either…a green lemon who would have thought of that. Eww.
I wish id spent more time in school learning and less time doing, well whatever the hell it is I was doing.
I wish i didn’t second guess myself so much.

UPrinting Business Card Giveaway

For the past few months my mom has been begging me to design some new business cards for house cleaning services and I always find a way around doing it because i honestly despise the card stock ones you buy at Wal Mart and have to use that drab software to create. Mine always end up turning out cheap looking and boring. Uprinting may just be the solution that my mom needs their software is not only easy to use but its also fun! UPrinting was nice enough to offer one Just The Two Of Us reader the chance to win their own business cards.

The Winner Of The UPrinting Giveaway Will Receive 

250 Die-cut Business Cards for one (1) winner
2×3.5″ Rounded Corners, 2×2″ Rounded Corners, 1.75×3.5″ Rounded Corners, 2×3.5″ Leaf, 2×3.5 Rounded one corner, 2×3.5″ Half-Circle Side, 2×3.5″ Oval, or 2.5″ Circle
14pt Cardstock Gloss / Matte / High Gloss (UV), or 13pt Cardstock Uncoated
6 Business days print turnaround time
Free US shipping only

Giveaway Rules
This giveaway is open to US residents, 18 years or older.
No Prize substitutions.
Winners may only win once in a six month period.
Email Addresses used to enter giveaway are only eligible to claim prize.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Places To Visit In Maine

The Breakwater – Rockland
Okay I probably shouldn’t openly admit this but I never once walked the Breakwater in the 20 years that I lived in Maine. I passed it on the ferry out of Rockland thousands of times but never found the time to walk it. I should probably add it to my bucketlist.
Source: via Paula on Pinterest

The Old Port – Portland
If your looking for the night life then the Old Port is the place to be. In a historic area its filled with tons of review worthy shops, coffee shops, restaurants and art galleries. There is also plenty of other sites to see.

Source: via John on Pinterest

The Fox Islands – North Haven & Vinalhaven
The Fox Islands, a.k.a Vinalhaven and North Haven are two sister islands located in Penobscot Bay. Reachable by ferry, private boat and also by air both islands are full of wonderful art galleries, gift shops that carry local products, farmers markets and beautiful Inns. You can also stop by one of the islands many beautiful farms including the Turner Farm where you can find local organic goods including cheese. If you visit North Haven make sure to check out Nebo Lodge Inn and Restaurant or stop by Coopers Landing for burgers and fries. 

Fort Knox
Built between 1844 and 1869 Fort Knox is rich with history! The fort still contains some of the original weaponry. Tours are available during scheduled times. Fort Knox is full of tunnels and other hidden gems. While your in the area check out the observation tower located on the Penobscot Narrows Bridge.
Source: via Paula on Pinterest

Mt Battie
Mt Battie located in Camden is another State park filled with amazing views of not only the Camden-Rockport area but the Penobscot islands as well. You can drive up the mountain or hike the choice is yours. There are also plenty of places along the way to stop for a picnic lunch.

Baxter State Park
I haven’t been to Baxter State Park or Mount Kathadin since climbing it(and spraining my ankle on the way down) since middle school. Baxter State Park is located in Millinocket and is full of places to canoe, hike and camp. Consider spending the night in a lean-tos or cabin make sure you pack your camera, hiking boots and plenty of bug spray. Also consider bringing along the book Lost On A Mountain In Maine the real life story of young boy who became lost on Mount Kathadin. If your lucky you might get the chance to see some local wild life!

Boothbay Harbor
Boothbay Harbor is an adorable little fishing community with wonderful restaurants, inns, and shops. Its full of charm, boats and history. Stop for ice cream at Down East Ice Cream or consider taking a whale watching cruise.
Source: via Greg on Pinterest

Arcadia National Park
Arcadia National Park and the Cadillac Mountains offer some of the most beautiful and breath taking fews that Maine has to offer. Located in Mt Desert Island you can spend the day taking in the breath taking views, on a twenty mile ride through the mountains or on one of the local beaches. If your in the mood for camping there is plenty of places for that too.
Source: via Todd on Pinterest

Project 365 – First Sleep Over With A Friend

Right now as I write this I’m listening to giggles and chatter belong to two five year olds. Today I finally gave in to the persistent begging from my son and his best friend Bella for a sleepover. So far aside from the fact that they refuse to go to sleep and have climbed in and out of bed, complained of starvation and climbed out of bed a couple dozen more times its all going good. Now if only they would go to sleep some this momma could get some work done that would be just fab! I now realize what me and my friends put my own parents through as kids during our sleepovers and we had big sleepovers there is only two of them!
“Mom, I’m hungry” I guess that’s my cue to go convince them that they are not hungry and to go to bed, again. Hope everyone gets some sleep tonight and if you don’t please send a little prayer my way that these two do!

My Dream Home

I’ll admit that I’m not really the person that cares much about having the best of everything. I’m happy with having what we have and making it work for us. Yet, as I sit here and write this I’m looking around my shabby little apartment that we’ve made home for the past two years and I can’t help but thinking about what I would want in a dream home.
In my opinion the kitchen truly is the heart of a home. I love to cook and my current galley style kitchen with its drab counter tops and bead board cupboards can be a bit depressing. Lets not mention the fact that the lighting really sucks and there are no windows. I’m a firm believer that a kitchen should have at least one window.
I could live with this!

Source: via Taylor on Pinterest

Some of these would be great additions to an already beautiful kitchen.

Source: via Taylor on Pinterest
Source: via Taylor on Pinterest
My dream home would also have to have a few cute bedrooms at least two, one for me and one for the kiddo! My current bedroom is pretty drab so I would definitely want something fun. This would do.
Or this
As for the kiddo….we’ll he would need lots of storage and places to put his toys.
I love this!
Source: via mary on Pinterest
For a living room I’d just want something cozy and relaxing which would be a far cry from my current living room, dinning kitchen squashed area. Perfect
I dream of having a place to do laundry. Right now the washing machine is in the kitchen. Ugh
Source: via Taylor on Pinterest
I don’t really need the TV though!! Dinning Room, well i just want something that’s not in the living room. I’ve found it gives you an excuse to watch TV at dinner time and we already do enough of that.
Source: via Taylor on Pinterest
As far as bathrooms go ours is pretty darn small like closet sized small. So I’d love something roomy with a nice soaking tub.
Source: via Taylor on Pinterest

What would you want in your dream home?

Why My Five Year Old Is Still In A Car Seat

(It might appear the headrest is too low but i can assure you its only the angle which the picture was taken)
It was on a 2 hour drive from college with a close friend from grade school to see her aunt and cousins that I became a car seat fanatic. We were driving along Route 9 in Maine otherwise known as the Airline Road, a road in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by trees, a lack of cellphone coverage and dirt shoulders you didn’t want to get caught up in an over sized lifted truck. I was letting my friend drive for reasons unknown to me because she is by far the worst driver I’ve ever met….i swear she was in like 5 car accidents alone in high school. We were driving along doing what college girls do, talking about men, the classes we were taking, the roommate’s we couldn’t stand and i of course was holding onto the “oh shit” handle for dear life and praying we would get there soon. We rounded a corner and came to a dead stop, cars were stopped on both sides of the road and people were all over. We quickly learned that a car carrying a family had crashed off the thirty foot drop off directly to the right of us. They had driven through trees, bushes and dirt and the car was now sitting at the bottom of the embankment. Somehow the whole family managed to climb out of the car an off duty EMT was keeping an eye on them until an ambulance could arrive forty-five minutes later. While waiting we learned that there had been a baby in the car just a few weeks old and that the baby had flown out of its car seat. I was stunned and wondered how a baby came out of its car seat, how it was even possible?! The obvious reason now is misuse but back then i didn’t know a lot about car seats.
After I had my own son I always thought back to the accident and how things could have been so much worse for that family and how easy it would be to protect my own son. I educated myself. There are so many things that we can’t protect our children from but in the event of a car accident keeping them properly secured in a car seat is one thing that we can do. That’s why I’ve always made sure that the car seat was properly restrained where its supposed to be, that the straps are where they are supposed to be, that nothing is lose or twisted.

Ive had friends who moved their kids into booster seats before the age of three because well the doctor told them it was okay. I’m sorry but a pediatrician really doesn’t know as much about car seat safety as some might think. I’ve had friends who had their young children in booster seats while allowing them to sit on pillows so the kids could see out the window or on their knees. Ugh. I’ll admit that in my head I’ve secretly judged these people and sometimes not so secretly. I’ve been known to go up to strangers in the wal mart parking and lecture them for not having their kids properly restrained. Day after day when I picked my son up from school I would toddlers climb in and out of their parents cars and not one of them was in a car seat or even a booster seat. I can’t even explain how much this irritated me.
My son just turned five and I can PROUDLY say that he is still in a five point harnessed car seat, either a Nautilus or Sunshine Kids and that I plan on keeping him there until he out grows them according to the manual and only then will his smart little butt be getting into a booster seat. 
I’m by no means saying that I am super mom or deserve a medal or that I am better then other parents or that other people don’t care about their kids. I’m saying that I made a choice and maybe if i hadn’t come across that accident I wouldn’t feel the same way but I do and I’m proud of the choice that I’ve made.
Some Great Websites About Car Seat Safety:
How old was your son or daughter when they stopped using a car seat?

Lost Access To Facebook Fan Page

So this weekend I had the unfortunate experience of losing access to my Facebook fan page and I can not find a way to get it back. You see I created my fan page on an old Facebook account that i only used to share photos of my son with his father….I did this because i didn’t want him to have access to my personal facebook. Well I was meaning to add myself my real facebook as an admin but never got around to it and well now I’m up a creak without a paddle. This was also the account I used to enter giveaways. 😦 I’m really sad because I had finally hit 500 Facebook fans and now I am having to start ALL OVER. I’m dreading it! I think I need to find a box of tissues or maybe I’ll just kick and scream like a two year old instead.
So without further whining on my part please like our new Facebook page.
Thanks in advance!

I should be sleeping BUT…

So I was sleeping….for once, thank god, yeah….until I got woken up by the little boy that lives in the room next to mine. He was having a bad dream and wanted to come snuggle with his mom. That was fine until we couldn’t find his stuffed lion. I searched and searched and finally found it at the foot of my bed. He must have dropped it on his way in. Now, here i am awake….unable to fall back to sleep, listening to a little boy snore softly beside me well in between the occasional hysterical laughter and talking that he seems to be doing while he is sleeping. Not me though. I’m organizing the files on my hard drive and thinking about what color i want to paint my bedroom furniture white or black…..because that is what all normal people do at almost 3:30 in the morning. I’m leaning towards white just so you know.