Lets not forget what Memorial Day is really about….

To me Memorial Day is a day to remember the high cost that we pay for our freedom and no I’m not speaking in the terms of money. I’m talking about all the American men and women who have served this country. To all those American men and women who have lost their life’s protecting ours and to those that made it home but never really come back. To me memorial day is a day that we celebrate all of those brave men and women.   I feel like so many of us use Memorial Day as an excuse a reason for a paid day off from work, a reason to spend time with family, a reason to get drunk and do dumb things and we forget the real meaning behind why we celebrate the holiday to begin with what the real meaning behind the holiday is. So today while you’re off celebrating with your friends and family remember to take a moment and think about what Memorial Day means to you.  Remember that Memorial Day isn’t about getting drunk or cooking the perfect steak and getting your tan on at the beach its about all those men and women who have fought for this country!!!

A Front Door Is…..

So I’ve recently become a little obsessed with front doors. I mean if you think about it the front door of a persons house can really say a lot about them and their home. Your front door can add a lot of curb appeal to your home and lets be honest aside from your yard it really is a persons first impression of your home. On the other hand I may just be running front door fever…I wish my front door was half as cute as the ones below!!
I love this look it just seems so chic!!!

Source: google.com via Five on Pinterest
I have always loved this style of door. So beautiful and classic in the white!
Black on white.
Source: goo.gl via shelia on Pinterest
I never imagined I’d think a pink door would be cute but it is.
Source: google.com via Paula on Pinterest
Beautiful….kinda reminds me of a Greek door.
Plum? Very elegant.
Source: google.com via Sarah on Pinterest
Very classic and chic.

Project 365 – Day Eight – An Indoor Camping Adventure

Well day eight of our project 365, an indoor camping adventure, really turned into well a four day event that has no real end in sight. You see little H has been wanting to go camping for some time now but lets be honest we live in Florida and the thought of going camping anywhere in Florida with all the creepy crawly slithery creatures is just not a welcoming thought. I’m not a fan of alligators, snakes or the giants bugs and don’t even get me started on the fire ants so actually camping outside for right now is out of the question. So we decided to take our little camping adventure inside and headed off to the dollar store to pick up some stuff to make smores…..we got our chocolate and marshmallows and who would imagine that the dollar store wouldn’t sell graham crackers. So we headed out to the car to make a quick trip over to the grocery store. Well to make a quick story short the car decided it no longer wanted to start and we walked home…..thankfully its only about a mile and a half from our house but walking in 90 degree weather with the onset of bronchitis and a crabby almost five year old isn’t a cup of tea. Anyhow we made it home and decided to forge ahead with our plans and make the most of it. We decided to dig out the diy fort kit my sister had sent the previous year to build ourselves a tent and guess what it was nowhere to be found(I did find it today under my bed…go figure). Our plans were pretty much going to hell by then….no smores, no “tent” and the two of us getting crabbier by the minute. I said what the hell and set up two “beds” on the living room floor and tossed some turkey dogs into the microwave for little H. We ended up sleeping there, watching movies and snuggling and even though it wasn’t much of an indoor camping adventure and i was sick it was nice to spend some quality time together.

Bronchitis, Broken Car and a serious case of the bitches.

They say that bad things happen in threes but i guess where I’m concerned that’s just well not the case. For some reason when bad things start happening to me its one little thing and then another little thing followed by another little thing and those little things just keep piling up into a big pile of things. For the most part its nothing tragic that happens but usually its enough to make me crazy and wonder what on earth i could have possibly down in another life for my current life to be going in the direction that its going. Well this week i get to add on a few more things to that pile of shitty things because instead of doing the fun things that little H and I had planned for the memorial day weekend we spent it stuck at the house with a broken car and stuck inside because i have bronchitis. It has pretty much sucked but i will say that like always little H has handled it like the champ that he is managing to help himself to an endless amount of snacks and drinks and has even gotten away with playing with his toys in the living room. God forbid. I’ve pretty much laid on the couch for the past four days letting the laundry and dishes pile up and the little man has gotten to watch all the TV his heart desired. We did have a few snafu’s along the way including little H taking a pair of scissors to his own hair and well i don’t think i need to tell you how that ended up. on a good note just like everything being sick is only a temporary thing and i am finally starting to feel better and am sounding less like a man. Thank god! So hopefully this week will go better then last and maybe instead of planning things out, ill just go with the flow and roll with the punches cause really what else can i do?!

He was so proud of himself.

Project 365 – Day 7 – Epcot

Sooooo…we got a little side tracked with our 365 project and let a few days go by where we didn’t do anything but im hoping that we can get back on track now. Anyhow we spent Saturday at Epcot which was a first for us. It was a lot of fun and very different from any of the other theme parks that we’ve ever been to. For those of you that haven’t been to Epcot it seems to focus a lot less on rides and a lot more on education kinda stuff or thats just my opinon. At the front of the park there are rides and then the back theres different areas that are seperated into different countries. Its really pretty cool. Hunter loved taking the boat around to see all the different places.

My Mothers Day Gifts From Hunter

So you all probably know that it was mothers day this past weekend. Well my little munchkin made me some things at school and I completely forgot to share them with you. The photos aren’t great but oh well!! I loved each and everyone of the things that I received from the little munchkin.

Oh so you’re one of those playground moms..

So I was recently on Facebook when I noticed a link posted by a friend about the different types of playground moms and I got a kick out of it. I’m a people watcher so when I go to the playground I’m constantly watching the other parents or caregivers around me and I have to say I’ve come up with some of my own playground stereotype’s.

The I Don’t Care Mom – I don’t care mom…Well her kids are the ones climbing up the slide..you know the enclosed ones? Except they aren’t inside of the slide they are on the outside of the tube thing and you’re just sitting, watching and waiting for them to fall and break their neck. You don’t say anything to their mother though because well she just does not care and will just go back to not caring while her kids raise hell.

Trash Talking Mom – I swear there has been a trash talking mom at every playground I’ve ever been to. Trash talking mom is generally loud…very loud and she loves to hear herself talk. Trash talking mom swears like a sailor, probably burps and loves to yell at her kids. She probably has no real parenting skills either and prefers to threaten them with a “whipping” or a “beating” if they don’t “act right.”

PDA Mom – Ahhh PDA mom….shes the one who’s in her car with her latest boyfriend while her kids are on the playground playing. That or shes trying to make it to third base on the picnic tables. PDA mom is the reason you have to tell your kids about the birds and bees early in life. She has no modesty and could care less that little eyes are watching.

Denial Mom- Denial mom who may even be worse then “I don’t care mom” because shes fully aware of what her kids are doing but is completely in denial about it. Denial mom can watch her kid bite or hit another kid in the face and then proceed to say that the kid bit themselves in the face. Her kids can do no wrong so don’t even bother arguing with her because you’re not going to get anywhere with her…just walk away….fast!

  Let me tell you how to raise your kids mom – Let me tell you how to raise your kids mom…well she’s a real pain in the ass. Shes the one who’s probably giving you dirty looks every five seconds cause your son or daughter is picking their nose or god forbid having fun. Shes the one who tells you that your kid shouldn’t be on the playground with a cast on their foot or a band aid on their finger. She’s a know it all and she knows whats best for everyone including your children.

Cell Phone Mom – Cell Phone mom has to be my least favorite, she really gets under my skin. She never looks up shes either too busy typing away on her phone or its glued to her ear. It never leaves those spots the entire time shes at the playground not even to tell her kids its time to leave.

I’m Hot Mom – I’m hot mom likes her fashion magazines, shes in shape and carries a designer purse. She wears high heels that make your feet hurt just looking at them and pants that you only wish you could afford oh and that shirt if only us other moms could pull it off.

Shadow Mom – Well shes a shadow of her children. She follows them everywhere they go never allowing them a moment to breathe on their own. God forbid an eight year old climbs up four steps without her holding their hand.

The Normal Mom – Every now and then a mom comes along who is actually normal. She seems to have a good relationship with her kids, shes not over bearing and shes interesting to talk to.

None of these were meant to be offensive and I have met some awesome people at the playground and some crazy people too!

Cute Kids Beds

Source: ohdeedoh.com via Om on Pinterest
Source: bhg.com via Michelle on Pinterest