Christmas Breakfast Ideas

Looking for something yummy to serve to family or friends Christmas morning? Heres a few VERY yummy looking ideas!

Ancient Minerals Review and Giveaway

In early November I was lucky enough to receive the opportunity to receive the opportunity to review Ancient Minerals. When the package arrived I was shocked to see the large array of products and confused on what i was really supposed to do with them and what they were for! So if your like me your probably wondering what Ancient Minerals are?! Well Ancient Minerals are topical magnesium salts that are found below the earths surface! They can be used to help with a lot of different problems or for detoxification purposes. Some things it helps treat include providing relief for aches and pains, maintaining energy levels, supports your immune system and improves sleep! All things i need help with! It also can be used as a treatment for ecyzhema in children and babies over six months of age.
I received the Magnesium Bath Flakes, Magnesium Oil, gel and lotion. I had a different reaction to each of the products so i think ill just give you a run down.

Ancient Mineral Bath Flakes – I received a 6.5 lb bucket of Ancient Minerals Magnesium Flakes. I’m a total bath person and was really looking forward to trying out the bath flakes. For the flakes to work correctly the water needs to be between 101 and 103 degrees which is perfect bath water temp for me. According to the directions you need to use between one and three cups but i prefer to use around one.  The bath flakes are meant to deliver magnesium directly through the skin. I found that i really loved soaking in the tub when using the flakes and that within a few weeks i was finding it easier and easier to fall asleep at night and that my legs aren’t as restless. This could because i was exhausted from work but it could also have been the flakes! I also found that they were leaving my skin super soft! I’ve also been using these with my son at bath time in hopes that they would cure his “itching powder”(as he calls it) skin problems.

Ancient Minerals Magnesium Lotion – I also received the fragrance free lotion which i apply after drying off from my bath. I use it mostly around my hips and legs which usually ache a lot after standing and walking around for eight hours straight at work. I’ve found that I have a lot less pain in these areas since I’ve bee using the lotion.

Ancient Minerals Magnesium Gel  – I only used the gel a few times because it made my skin sting. The back of the bottle states that it may cause tingling but it stung so i stopped using it.

Ancient Minerals Magnesium Oil – I used the oil a lot and at first it stung like the gel but i kept using it and found that the more i used it the less tingling and stinging i had. With both the gel and oil it needs to be wiped off after about twenty minutes.

Overall I’ve really enjoyed using the Ancient Minerals. I feel like I’m sleeping better, my skin feels better, I’m less achy and I’m happier. Some of those things may just be because of the way my life is going

Buy It
For more information on Ancient Minerals and other health benefits check out their website!
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One winner will receive a product/products from Ancient Minerals!
Use the rafflecopter form below!

I received the products above for review purposes from Business 2 blogger. I received no monetary compensation for this post. All opinions are my own.

Annoying Neighbors That Doesn’t Watch Their Kids

So about two months ago I had new neighbors move in a grandmother, son and daughter(both grown) along with a five year old boy. Its my understanding that the grandmother is the primary care taker for the young boy and that he sees his father on the weekends. The grandmother isn’t old shes probably in her early 40s or younger. Either way it doesn’t matter. The kid seems nice enough but my issue is that even though we live in a quiet, safe neighborhood the grandmother lets the boy roam around the lawn for hours and never checks on him. They live on the opposite side of our apartment building and are always playing on our side of the lawn. I let my son play outside but i keep the front door open and he has to play directly in front of it. I’m usually working on the computer while he does this on the couch in front of the door so i can see him at all times. Well the neighbors kid who i will remind you is only five always ends up playing outside in front of our apartment unattended. I don’t have an issue with keeping an eye on someone else’s child but i do have a problem that the grandmother NEVER checks on him, the kid does what he wants and is always coming in and out of my house, asking for food, taking my sons stuff outside and doesn’t listen. I’m really tempted to say something to the grandmother because I’m not a neighborhood child watch. A five year old shouldn’t be outside playing for hours and hours on end where his guardian/parent can’t even see him!! I’m not really sure how to go about saying something. If anyone has any advice I’m more then willing to listen.

Christmas Cookies

Need inspiration for Christmas cookies? Want to mix it up a little? Here are a few wonderful ideas!
Source: via Nancy on Pinterest

Life As A Single Mom

A couple weeks ago I wrote a nice email to my sons “sperm donor” requesting that he pay his child support. I asked nicely and in return i received a not so nice message in return that if i thought bitching was going to make me get it quicker it wasn’t. I sat there and stared at the computer screen like i have a trillion tmes before, the anger building up inside me and re-read his words over and over again before finally closing the computer and walking away.
There were a lot of things i wanted to write back starting with a few choice words followed by a few choice sentences that would include the words “dead beat”, “useless” and “sperm donor”! I wanted to remind him that he owes $9,775 dollars in back child support but i didnt. I wanted to remind him that every week that number goes up and that its not going to go down any time. What makes me even madder is knowing that the one that goes without is my son because the person that is supposed to be his father doesn’t care.
I’ve come to the point where i don’t care to be the person that makes excuses for him anymore. Why should i? Why should i make excuses for someone who doesn’t even care if his son has socks or clothes that fit or shoes?! Don’t get me wrong because he does….I make damn well sure of that but why am i making excuses for this person?! Well I’m done…..done done done done! Sorry i had to rant!

Sick Kiddo….maybe a few answers finally.

So I’ve been dealing with a sick kiddo for about two months now. Hes been in and out of the doctors office and the hospital and just when he finally seems to be getting better the medicine runs out and it comes back. It, as in, hacking cough that keeps him from sleeping that in turn keeps mommy from sleeping, runny nose, watery eyes and the wheezing. The worst of it has been the wheezing and coughing though. I took him back in to see his pediatrician today and to try and get to the bottom of it because as a parent it really sucks to see your child suffering and crying every night and hear the words “mommy i hate this” come out of their bad while they lay in bed crying after another coughing attack.
Well his doctor listened to him breathe, we chatted a bit and i explained what was going on and the doctor let me know that Hunter has asthma that gets worse when he is sick. I’m honestly not surprised but i am happy to finally know whats going on with him. He put him on a boat load of meds to clear up the current infection and an inhaler to help with the coughing fits. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that we start seeing an improvement over the next few weeks and that when the meds run out that it doesn’t come back.

Having Fun With The Eden Loves Bloggers Program

I recently started working with the Eden Loves Bloggers Program and have definitely learned a thing or two about the company in the process. A. Eden Fantasys is not just sex toys! B. They have a lot of wonderful products! C. They have an amazing program for Bloggers!Whether you want to earn a little extra income as an affiliate, write product reviews or sponsored posts Edens Fantasy offers a few different programs that bloggers can choose from so there is one that fits almost every ones tastes and needs.

Product Reviews: You may recall my recent review on Eden Fantasys intimate caress shave cream. Well I received this product through the Eden Fantasys Product Review program. As a product reviewer with Edens Fantasy you can receive one product a month to review and all you need to do is write an honest review and include two links. You will receive a list of a few review options to choose from so if your not comfortable reviewing some of the steamier products that’s all right! You will also receive the option occasionally of hosting a giveaway!! If this sounds like your thing and you want more information you can find it here!

Sponsored Posts: The program that I am currently participating in. This is actually my first post but I’m really looking forward to writing more in the future. Sponsored posts pretty much gives you free range to write about what you want. It could be a product that you like, something new that you’ve learned or like about the company or take inspiration from something that you found on their website. The post does need to be positive at least 200 hundred words and contain two direct links back to Eden Fantasys. Oh and I almost forgot to mention that you’ll receive a gift card between $25-50 for your post!!! I’m not sure about you but i love gift cards. More info on the Eden Fantasys Sponsored posts program can be found here!

Banner and Text Ads: Pretty simple, Eden Fantasys buys the ad space from you and in return you place the banner or text on your blog. The amount that you make will depend on your blog stats so if your just starting out this might not be the best option for you unless you already have a large following and good stats. You can find more information on this program here!

Lastly I want to mention the Affiliate Program. The affiliate program isn’t really part of the Eden Loves Bloggers Program but i thought it was important information anyways. As an affiliate for Eden Fantasys you have the option of selling Eden Fantasys both online or in person. You’ll earn 20% back on all sales you make. So if your great at networking or are looking for a way to make some extra income then the affiliate program would be perfect for you!

Eden Loves Bloggers Program really does offer something for everyone. So far I’ve loved the two programs that I’ve been part of and the people I’ve worked with have been friendly and helpful! My biggest piece of advice would be: Don’t be afraid to ask questions. If your unsure of something or how something works then feel free to ask.