How To "Properly" Hang Curtains

 How To Properly Hang Curtains
Step 1: Locate drill, make sure it has a dead battery and no drill bits. Search for the power cord and drill bits give up eventually after garbage starts flowing from your mouth.
Step 2: Locate screw driver, search entire house before finally finding it in the kids tool box where you should have started your search in the first place!
Step 3: Screw one side of stupid holder thing into the wall by hand….
Step 4: Move chair to other side of window and knock the christmass tree over in the process. Leave Christmas tree as is….if you need to get down from chair just jump over it.
 Move to step 5: Screw one screw into
Step 6: Get mad and yell at the wall. Swear under your breath(as long as no kids are around), jump up and down and pout.
Step 7: Attempt to screw it into the wall somewhere else before realizing its not alligned with the other side.  Repeat step seven.
Step 8: Drop the screws and screw driver a few dozen times.
Step 9: Get mad and yell at the wall some more.
Step 10: Screw the screws halfway into the wall and call it good.
Step 10: Pray that the whole thing doesn’t come crashing down in the middle of the night.

Week One of Skintactix Challenge!

So after a failed attempt to find a skincare product that works for me i set on a challenge to find another product. Soon after i was introduced to Skintactix and have fallen instantly in love with it! I received acne kit A3 from Skintactix which includes a cleanser, an exfoliator and a poultice. Within this first week I’ve noticed a few things; my skin feels really soft, my face is pretty much not breaking out at all and i actually enjoy using the products! I love the way my skin feels after using each product especially the poultice which I’ve taken to wearing kind of like a mask when i go to bed. I’m not sure that’s really how your supposed to use it but it seems to be doing wonders for my skin! I’m only in my first week though and have three more in my four week challenge so make sure to look back for details on how its going!

Crazy Life

This week has been super crazy at work and i still have tomorrow to get through…oh dear good lord i will be so happy when tomorrow is over. I just wanted to apologize to everyone if it seems as though ive been neglecting my blog this week i just barely have time to sleep at the moment! I have a lot of fun stuff coming up this coming week!!!

Zaggora Hot Pants Review

Over the past year and a half I’ve gone from weighing one hundred and eighty pounds to one hundred and twenty five but no matter how much weight i seem to loose or how much i work out i cant seem to lose it from my tummy. My stomach has gotten a lot smaller but there is still an area that I’m unhappy with. Then I learned about Zaggora Hot Pants and even got the opportunity to review them.
Hot Pants are designed to do two things; reduce the appearance of cellulite and breakdown fat cells by using your bodies own heat. Pretty much the material in the pants causes you to sweat about 80% more then you normally would and we all know that sweating leads to weight loss.
When i first received the pants i decided that if i wanted to give them a true test then i would wear them under my work clothes for the next two weeks. I’m moving 24/7 at work so what would be a better place to try the Hot Pants out? The pants fit fine but i wont lie they weren’t the most comfortable pair of workout pants that I’ve ever worn. They didn’t allow me to move as freely as i would have liked and i kept having to pull them out of my butt. There is nothing worse then walking around with a wedgie all day and after two days of this i couldn’t take it anymore they had to go! I decided that instead of wearing them all day long that I would just wear them for the mornings. Today is the first day I’ll be doing that so ill let you know how it goes.
I’ve also worn my Hot Pants just doing every day things around the house and I’ve noticed that even just doing something as simple as folding the laundry or mopping the floor that I’m actually sweating a lot. I like knowing that when i don’t have the time to get in an actual workout that i can still stay fit while wearing my Hot Pants.
I’ve only been wearing my Hot Pants for a few days now and i haven’t noticed any changes in my clothing sizes but i have noticed that I’m sweating A LOT more! I’m really looking forward to the next few weeks of wearing them and because I know i cant really give them a fair review after only a few days you can expect a follow up from me! I’ve also decided to take the two week challenge so I’ll be letting you know how it goes and if I’ve made any progress with my Hot Pants.
For more information visit Zaggora Hot Pants or like them on Facebook and enter for your chance to win 1 of 500 free pairs of Hot Pants or a trip to Rio!!

DIY Streamer Ideas

If your looking for a fun (cheap) way to dress up a party you should consider picking up a few rolls of streamers in your choice of colors. Party streamers are an easy and inexpensive way to make any  party look like a million bucks. Heres a few ideas and pictures I’ve gathered so you can get an idea of some of the wonderful things you can do with steamers!

How to make your own rainbow streamers
Fringe Streamers

DIY Candy Land Party!



Other ideas
Use paper with a colorful candy striped border and print your own invites from your computer!
Attach a handmade circular invite to the front of a large lollipop!
Party Favors
Colorful Bags
Large Lollipops
Gum Drops
Bubble Gum
Other Fun stuff

It would be a blast to make a life size Candyland game for the kids but probably a lot of work!
If you don’t feel like making one you can always pick up the Candyland board game at the store!

Flashback Friday

So this picture isn’t all that old but lately I’ve been doing so much thinking about everything my son and i have been through since he was born and all the struggles we’ve overcome(trust me theres been a lot) that it just felt right to share it. It reminds me that life isn’t always going to be easy that we are going to fall down, that theres going to be days where nothing goes right and i want to pull my hair out and i don’t know what I’m doing wrong and all i want to do is cry but its so worth it. Every single minute has been worth it! All of the surgeries, the tears, the bills, EVERYTHING has been worth it. So that’s why I’m sharing this photo as my flashback because i know that it doesn’t matter how bad things might seem in that moment because i know that they will get better.

Hartstrings Black Friday Sale

Over the past year my son has grown about six inches and I’ve had a hard time keeping him in clothes because it seems like one day something fits and the next day its six inches too small. So this year I’m really looking forward to all the holiday sales! Hartstrings an American children’s retailer that specializes in anything from dresses to children’s boots is having a great Black Friday sale. Hartstrings is offering customers 20% off all items and this includes sale items! Harstrings has a lot of wonderful children’s clothing so if your looking for that perfect holiday outfit or some new items for your little girl or guy it would definitely be worth taking a look around their website!