The Peaceful Housewife Natural Cleaners E-book Review & Giveaway

I am always looking for way to keep my cleaning supply budget low and to be more resourceful. I’ve even been known to at times clean the bathroom with diluted vinegar. So you can only imagine how excited i was when i received this opportunity to review “The Peaceful Housewife Natural Cleaners” an E-Book filled with 13 pages of natural household cleaners!

This book offers recipes for everything from how to make your own laundry detergent, how to make those expensive wet mop refills to how to make your own granite cleaner! I gathered up the ingredients to try out two of the recipes from the book. First I tried the simple stain treatment recipe on a white a tank top that looked as if someone had rolled around in the dirt in it. The recipe called for a few simple ingredients and was easy to follow. I was shocked when i retrieved the shirt from the wash and it was actually white! No more expensive stain treatments that only work sometimes, I’ll be sticking to the one found inside this book!

The e-book is filled with a wealth of information and makes a wonderful addition for anyone who is trying to live greener or just save a few dollars on household products. I’ll be stocking up on vinegar on my next trip to the grocery store as i never realized it had so many more uses then just cleaning my shower. But, thanks to The Peaceful Housewife Natural Cleaners, I do now!

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Hiring for the position of full time maid – Non Paid Position

In search of a full time maid. Must be able to work for free between the hours of 12 am and 11:59 pm. This position requires you to be on call constantly. A bubble and a pager are required. Please be prepared to trip over random toys placed well randomly throughout my home. The dishes, cabinets and floors will need to be cleaned at least three times a day. Beware of the random bread crumb trail throughout the house…..that’s just my son. Take precaution when entering the bathroom as there may be a puddle of water on the floor from someone that can not stay out of the sink. Carry the steam cleaner with you at all times as you never know when you will need to clean chocolate milk from the rugs. The vacuum doesn’t work very well so you will have to use the broom. Did i mention that i broke the broom last week? Its now more of a hand broom….I hope you don’t have back problems. When picking up and putting away toys make sure you double check with the man of the house at least three times to make sure he is REALLY done playing with that toy….even though he hasn’t touched it in over an hour. The laundry….we won’t even go there. The plants they need watering….if they are still alive. Please do not disturb the king while he is watching his show…..but do make sure that he has a stockpile of popcorn, juice and anything else that he might require. If you are still interested in this position please comment below.

Crayola Washable Colored Bubbles & Bubble Launcher Review

For my sons 4th birthday he received a set of Crayola Washable Colored Bubbles and Bubble Launcher. I was pretty excited about it because Crayola is a brand that everyone knows and is probably pretty familiar with. Most people grew up using their crayons or markers or other products in school or at home.
When we first took it out of the box I was little worried because it just LOOKED messy! I started to panic and had to fight the urge to run up the stairs and grab a set of clothes I wouldn’t worry about him ruining. But then I reminded myself that right there on the box in big letters it said WASHABLE! We loaded the bubbles into the launcher easily as they just screw into it and headed outside.
The bubbles are available in five colors, we had orange, green and blue. We started off with the blue and everyone watched in awe as they came out of the easy to run launcher and floated through the sky. They were a lot of fun to watch and my son loved it!
Well within a few minutes my fears of a huge mess were confirmed when the launcher started covering the hands of the person using it….a sticky drippy blue mess! The part about them being washable? They wash off your hands! Your clothes not so much! After cleaning up we put the bubble launcher away for another day. Well when that day came about a week later the bubble launcher had become clogged and no longer worked! From now on I think we will just stick to regular old bubbles!

PromGirl – Our Daily Featured Site

So aside from my recent obsession with boots i’ve also become obsessed with dresses. Its worse then an obsession, i love dresses, can’t get enough of dresses, eat, sleep and breathe dresses! What better place to find the perfect dress for any occasion then a store that sells only dresses?! I was introduced to PromGirl through my younger sister who had choosen to wear one of their pieces under her graduation cap and gown. I instantly fell in love with their store and all of their pieces!

Here are some of my favorites and Yes I am ALL ABOUT the sparkle today!
But I’m loving these as well!
Check out PromGirl for more great looks!

"6 Awesome Ideas for Kid Friendly Vacations" E-Book Review

I recently received a copy of “6 Awesome Ideas for Kid Friendly Vacations” written by Tersa Mills to review. For starters I love that the author is a mom(of four) herself and actually has experience planning vacations with kids and isn’t just writing about it!
“6 Awesome Ideas for Kid Friendly Vacations” is set up in six parts with each part being a different type of vacation that you could plan for your family rather then six different destinations that you could take them to. Not only that but each type comes with extra ideas and examples! She gives you examples on why her family likes the certain vacation types which makes it easy to decide whether or not your own family might like it or not.
I was happy to see that each idea really was a kid friendly vacation and fun for the whole family!I loved that each one of her six ideas comes with more ideas. The e-book is filled with a lot of useful information and would be great for any parent trying to decide what the perfect type of vacation is for their family.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

StyleFind Best Finds Under $25

As a Bzzagent I was recently introduced to StyleFind an online site that searches the net for some of the best styles and brings them to you at incredible prices.Stylefind brings you products from some of the most popular brands like Gap, Nine West, BCBG and so much more! StyleFind is brought to you by the publishers of In Style so you know that everything on their site is the most up to date look but at the most reasonable price!
Today I was getting to know my way around their site and to try and learn as much as i possibly could about it and the way that it works I stumbled upon clothing under $25! Everyone that reads this knows that not only do i love clothes but even more I love a great deal! I wanted to share a few of my favorite StyleFind under $25 pieces with you!

Coincidence & Chance Crossback Tee
Urban Outfitters
Rooftop Party Dress
Solid V-kneck Boyfriend Cardigan
V-Kneck Strapy Dress in abstract print
To check out the styles featured here for yourself or to search through some of the other thousands or to sign up for an account(free) visit them at

Homemade Play Dough Recipe

Play Dough Recipe
1 cup water
1 tbsp vegetable oil
1/2 c. salt
1 tbsp cream of tartar
food coloring
1 c. flour
Mix the water, oil, salt, cream of tartar and a few drops of food coloring saucepan and heat until warm. Remove from heat and mix in the flour. Knead dough until its smooth. Add additional flour if sticky.
Have fun!

Some things just shouldn’t be talked about at work!

I recently started a new job which I am really enjoying however some of the people that work there have never had a job before and can’t seem to figure out that there are some things you just shouldn’t talk about at work. I’m not allowed to actually say where I work as I had to sign a confidentiality agreement. There is a small group of us that they brought in for early training before the place opens. Well there is a girl who is straight out of high school and has never had a job before….ever! To me that is crazy for starters because Ive been working since i was like twelve! This girl and I have started to butt heads a bit because she is very self centered, all about herself…I can deal with that. What I can’t deal with is some of the stuff that comes out of her mouth that is extremely inappropriate. She’s constantly making sexual comments, or making references to sleeping with a guy that we work with. Listen, I have to work with you both and I don’t want to spend my day thinking about the two of you having sex! I don’t want to hear about it at work! The other day she was playing on her phone while she played with her hair and apparently one of her guy friends sent her a photo of himself naked….she was showing it to other coworkers! Are you kidding me?! Some of our other coworkers are older(like in their 60’s) and don’t want to see that stuff! If your going to associate yourself with people that send you that stuff then leave your phone at home or at least have the decency to not show others! So pretty much on Saturday I reached my breaking point with this girl and had to have a talk with our manager….funny thing is our other manager walked into the room while we were talking and within seconds he knew exactly who i was talking about! The thing that frightens me most in this situation is that this girl wants to become one of our groups leads. If that happens I will probably have to faint and roll on the ground because how is anyone supposed to take this child serious when everything that comes out of her mouth is vomit? I’ll keep you updated on how things turn out….

Chicken Scaloppine Marsala

My son and I really love chicken so we are always looking for new ways to cook it but this is still one of our favorite recipes no matter what!

1-1/4 lb chicken cutlets
1/8 tsp salt
1/8 tsp black pepper
1 cup beef broth
` tbsp flour
1/2 c. marsala wine
1 can(4 ounces) sliced mushrooms, drained
2 tbsp unsalted butter
1 tbsp chopped parsley
1. Season chicken with salt and peppeer and cook over medium-high heat for 2 minutes in a skillet with cooking spray. Set aside.
2. Whisk together beef broth  and flour. Add to skillet and bring to a simmer. Stir in marsala and drained mushrooms. Add chicken. Simmer, covered for 15 minutes.
3. Turn off heat; whisk in butter. Sprinkle with parsley and serve!